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I've found this chart to be a relationship, marriage, and possibly life saving guide for me. I'd suggest those Agnostic guys here who might be struggling with the dating aspect of this site, study it carefully:

bigpawbullets 9 Mar 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't drink. Ha.

You have powers!

@bigpawbullets Indeed, I do.


if the only way you can keep your wife from getting angry with you is to giver her wine, it says more about you then her

Well and some of us need hard stuff or weed to deal so there's that! 😀

@CaroleKay the long islands are on me!

@coralisthree & @CaroleKay
Drinks are on me. You'll have to supply your own herb though.

@bigpawbullets that is taken care of


Haha! Oh yeah. Nice tags buddy! 😉 But we don't all drink wine. Make mine a Bloody Mary and you're talking.

Noted. And thanks for your tolerance. 🙂

I edited, after I actually read it, it has a few issues, but It's a fine meme. You are welcome.

Always love a fellow vodka drinker.


Am I to understand that ultra safe is more safe than safest?

You might do some practical research. Let us know the results. 😉


I know this is intended to be funny (at least I hope so!) but I find it infuriating. First, it's based on the assumption that women need to be 'managed' when hormonal. Second, it assumes we're talking about a housewife who doesn't work outside the home, despite the fact that this is a small (and declining) segment of American society. Finally, booze doesn't take the place of good communication and genuine intimacy. If every situation ends in drinking, there's something fundamentally wrong with the relationship.

Gosh professor, if you find my posts "infuriating" you could always block me. Then you could avoid an elevated BP, and I'd be saved from your condescending lecturing! 😉

@bigpawbullets I'm sorry you took my response that way. I was assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that you might care about offending people. If I was incorrect, I apologize.

I'm a practicing sociopath. 😉

@bigpawbullets Practice makes perfect


This is rather sexist

@Elganned Except stereotypes are rather lazy and wildly inaccurate. I am a woman and do not recognise myself here at all. This suggests that 50% of the population of the globe behave in exactly the same way. They don't.

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