My news feed is full of God/ religioousity posts. WTF is up with that?
my feed isn't full of those things. i have ONE friend who is a minister and i hide the posts she makes in that vein, but i have not hidden her posts blanket-style. i am good friends with her mother and have reason to want to see some of her own posts, just not the religious ones. i have folks who are on my friends list because we used to play certain games in common, and i have not weeded them out but do tend to hide certain of their posts. if they get too obno, then i do unfriend them. as a writer i like to have a big audience, so i don't like to unfriend people but sometimes i just have to.
There seems to be a influx of scammers. Report them when you see it.
I have noticed there were several yesterday. New religious troll me thinks.