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#policy #agriculture #politics #economics #health #security #farming #bio #regenerative #degenerative #pesticide #herbicide #threat #hazard #mortal #carcinogenic #glyphosate #roundup #bayer #monsanto #panethics #allhumanityforterraprotectivity #vietnam #terra #earth []
"Hoang Trung, Director of the Plant Protection Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, stated Saturday to Tuoi Tre newspaper that the import and trans-national trading of herbicides containing glyphosate would be banned immediately."

tipi 7 Mar 30

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US ought to ban it as well, it is now all over our environment. Bayer is only interested in its profits, not the pain and suffering this product is causing around the world. It has a history of abuse dating back to its parent company IG Farben, the Nazi conglomerate that manufactured the gases used to kill people in the German concentration camps.

cava Level 7 Mar 30, 2019

@Noemi Yes I agree, but I also think that justice starts at home. We can point but we ought not demand, for what we may consider wrong and what we consider fair (if justice is) might not pertain to a newly developing and maturing county, which needs to develop its own sense of morality. It needn't share in our mythic morality including our sense of right and wrong, nor ought we force its acquiescence.



A U.S. jury has awarded $80 million in damages to a California man in a trial over his claim that Monsanto's Roundup weed killer caused his cancer.

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