Most of these create more confusion than they resolve. Many are not synonyms at all. Examples: "biodiversity" is absolutely not the same as "wildlife"; the one relates to diversity, ie., how many different species, the other presumably relates to the number of individuals of a species. "Change" and "chaos" do not mean the same thing, in fact, global warming seems to be occurring at regular and predictable rate. This is not chaos even though we don't like it. I always wonder what is to be accomplished by the endless semantic tinkering that English speakers seem obsessed with.
I am a word nerd. Language, at least English is so expressive, why should I not find the best words to convey my meaning. I never proclaimed that this was the definitive list and we should all stop what we're doing now and implement it. It thought it was interesting and wished to share. I'm sorry you did not find it so pleasing.