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Voting with your feet, boycotting with your $ spending choices. How do others feel about this issue? Does anyone else boycott specific retail stores or businesses because of their 'message' or their unfair work practices? It is easy for me to personally boycott Chick-fil-A since we don't have any in my community. It is part of a privilege, I suppose, to be able to say "no" to what some corporations are selling. And to make the effort to be a non-consumer in many areas of the economy. I don't shop at Hobby Lobby, for example. I have 2 other craft stores to choose from. I suppose it becomes my own little personal crusade in some ways with very little impact. []

mojo5501 7 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Businesses respond to the money you spend, not what you don't spend. I don't happen to spend money at chickfila et al, but for instance, I don't have an issue with buying things at wallyworld, that I want them to keep carrying, or using Amazon as a platform to buy things from businesses that would be otherwise inaccessible.


If they can contribute to politicians/ causes then I have no issue going someplace else.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 30, 2019

I avoid a local donut chain called Maple Donuts (south central PA). I used to love their donuts. In 2016 they put up a Trump banner on their stores and had people giving out Trump merchandise in their parking lots. They since have put up a billboard on the highway supporting a Republican gubernatorial candidate (co-branded with their store logo) and put a statement disparaging liberals in the rotation of the electronic sign outside at least one of their stores.

It is one thing for the owner of a company to support an agenda I don't agree with, but they cross a line when they use their stores to that end.

**** NYC dwellers - I have seen Maple Donuts in food stores in NYC. If you don't want to support what I have described, steer clear of Maple Donuts.


I never put gasoline in CITGO, Venezuelan State-own company!


I would like to boycott Hobby Lobby because of the politics of its owner. But as a teacher, Hobby Lobby is the only business in town that has certians I need at times. I buy elsewhere when I can or online if timing allows.


Hobby Lobby
The Salvation Army

I still follow the NFL, but I don't actually watch games or spend money on anything that the organization will profit from.

JimG Level 8 Mar 30, 2019

Hell I even refuse to watch Wheel of Fortune because Pat said something like anyone who believes in global climate change is dumb.

I hadn't heard that one....but I also didn't even know that game show was on anymore...ha ha.

@mojo5501 yeah. Vanna looks 35 but she's about 90.

@CallMeDave Don't get too close.....only at a distance and squinting, right? ha I'm sure some cosmetic sorcery has taken place.

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