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Yesterday, @literatehiker made a very astute response to a reply I offered up concerning one of her "relationship" posts. I believe she is correct. I also believe @literatehiker is "Honkytonk Sue":

bigpawbullets 9 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Good thing I like much older men. I think I stand a chance to change him!???

Joking aside, this is true!??

You appear to this old man to be quite a catch.


Dude... you couldn't have changed my Grandpa if you tried... ?

I wouldn't even have tried..... My grandfather was the same.

@bigpawbullets They were probably very much alike. WWI vet,, etc..

@bigpawbullets Some crazy stuff going on with programming here today.. I can 'thumbs-up' your comment on other pages, but not here.... Oh well. I guess they'll figure it out soon enough... Or,, perhaps we should pray to the RUM Gawds more than once a day.. Have I been doing that wrong all this time? ?


Thanks, @bigpawbullets.

The only person you can control and change is yourself.

“When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time,” Maya Angelou wrote.

It's important to set boundaries with people.

Two years ago, a medical doctor flew to Wenatchee to take me to lunch. We met through Fitness Singles. We had three fun dates.

Then he sent me a long list of his extremist, right-wing beliefs. He wants women to be submissive. "Anal sex is the ultimate in submission." He stockpiled over 100 guns, including seven assault rifles and a machine gun.

I was horrified. His beliefs are the antithesis of mine. Immediately dumped him.

"One of my happiest memories is when you took me snowshoeing up in the mountains," he texted yesterday. Pressured me to see him again.

Apparently, his extremist conservative beliefs are repelling other women. Good.

Although I loved flying in his small plane, I will never see him again.

yeah. good plan
It would suck if you were as t the point you wanted to bail while flying.


I’m pretty sure @literatehiker would agree with you. I appreciate her no-nonsense attitude towards many things.


Truest words E.V.E.R.

Unless there an incontinent adult.

@gigihein if they are a Male incontinent adult, ya mean.....

@AnneWimsey . well,I was going with male and females don't change unless in diapers and not incontinent adult.

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