5 1

Wow, must be nice! Company gives their Employees 12 weeks off!


Jewelee65 6 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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spent 3 1/2 yrs in europe where the minimum vacation time is 4 weeks going up to 6 weeks in some countries.
always amazed that americans settle for so little. but, i suppose they always thought that they didn't need to worry about vacations b/c the trickle-down effect would make them all rich..


Hell, I’d be happy just to be able to take two weeks.


That is a great system....


It is 28 days in Scotland and 32 days in Denmark

I get a little over 4 as well but 12.. that would be great! ?

@Jewelee65 I am not sure I would know what to do with myself


I get about that

Lucky you!

@Jewelee65 university lecturer. The minimum is 4 weeks in UK. Until Brexit 😟

@Amisja things aren’t much better here either!

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