I recall being told the story of the first man to ever see an elephant come on to his farm.
Reporting the incident to the incredulous village elder, he explained the animal to be huge, with four legs, gray skin and sexually perverse.
"How so?" asked the elder
"Well," said the man. "it was picking cabbages with its tail and you won't believe where he was shoving them."
My sympathies go out to the first person to look at an oyster, and deciding it looked yummy!
But they are yummmmmmmm
Not as much as the first person who saw an egg drop out of a chickens ass and thought, "I wonder what that tastes like".
@sticks48 omg... I literally laughed my ass off with your comment!
@Charlene WE KNOW that...lighten up!!!
@Bungaloebob nope..??
Right? That is an excellent point!
Isn't it though..