I heard that same phrase in my field:"Nurses eat their own!" MMMMMmmmm ...Good video you had on
previously! Lee AirForceNurse1
What did he do?
@SaucyCheryl was it good porn ??!!?? ???
@SaucyCheryl The correct word is Hentai, do they teach them nothing at school these days?
@SaucyCheryl Do you think he may want some attention?
@SaucyCheryl Just an anime joke?
@SaucyCheryl It is not unusual what teenager boys or girls are doing these days! Hell, I hung around a preacher's boy in my 7th-grade class (years ago) and he would still Playboy magazines and bury them under the railroad tracks rocks behind his parent's house and look at them after school! One time as a joke .... he threw an old used condom and I caught it (and the male teacher caught me) ... and was sent to the principal's office! I tore it up in many pieces pretending not knowing what it was! The male principle threatened to call my parent's if I was ever caught doing this again! [books.google.com]