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Easter is nearly upon us where we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jebus Cryste, by eating a half ton of chocolate to thank him for getting the snot beat outta him because Eve ate a peach or something like that.

So I thought it was a good time for a poll to determine the true meaning of Easter -- the consumption of chocolate and which kind is preferred.

You can also leave a few words about the role of chocolate in your life and how it has molded you into the person you are today.

Or not. Whatever.

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Sgt_Spanky 8 Apr 13

Enjoy being online again!

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DARK!! It's actually healthy in small doses. If I'm going to eat chocolate, it needs to be spectacularly delicious. Otherwise it's not worth the calories.


the pagan festival of Eostre was celebrated long before the Christians hijacked it I don't think they had chocolate back then but the exchange of eggs was carried out. White "chocolate" is disgusting and the darker the better.

Correct, chocolate was from South America. And white chocolate is not really chocolate, I agree. It has the cocoa better but not the cocoa powder. What's even worse, most of what's sold as white chocolate is not even that--try to find the word chocolate on the label! Hersheys sells white "morsels" for baking & most of the white easter bunnies say confection or something along those lines. Chocolate & white chocolate have legal definitions (& being a huge, shameless chocoholic I make it a point to know these things) that many candies cannot meet.


I f-ing hate white chocolate.

Look at the label--it can't even claim to be white chocolate, which is pretty much not even real chocolate itself. Palmers ANYTHING is not worth getting fat over. Cheap garbage!


Endangered species makes a very good tasting 88% dark chocolate. About as low glycemic as you can get without going to 100%.


My question is why is chocolate like an aphrodisiac to women?

Ladies...? Anyone want to take that?

Citation needed.

I found this...


@BeeHappy , thank you. I wasn't going to bother since i thought it was a widely known fact. The strange thing is vanilla has a similar effect on men.

@chucklesIII Good to know! Better stock up! 😁

@chucklesIII Vanilla? Really??? Off to the store....

@chucklesIII Yeah I don't know how or why it works on women, but all you men need to know is that it does! It also just makes you all around more lovable if you show up with a good quality chocolate bar now & then. Call it relationship insurance.


Dark chocolate, all the way. And my very favorite that I discovered lately were these Dark Chocolate Caramels. Got them as a gift from a co-worker...Costco carries them. Aldi has something similar also. []


I refuse to pick light over dark and will happily consume any chocolate I can, regardless of hue. Raisins and nuts? They just displace chocolate, so no thanks.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 13, 2019

Yeah, especially keep the really weird stuff out--coffee beans, sea salt (for gods sake, who even thinks that way??) or chili peppers. I can do Heath bars, Cadbury eggs or raisins but NO NUTS. Putting a bunch of crap in good chocolate is like cutting cocaine.


Nothing wrong with Easter baskets or eating chocolate bunnies. I have many fond memories of Easter dinner and Easter egg hunts on my Grandparents’ farm. I’ll do the same for my own grandkids one day, if I get any. Festivities and get togethers are great fun and we don’t have to buy in on the myths to have a good time.

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