38 20

Me: Hello
Him: Well Hello Sexy.
Me: I read your profile. Well written. What did you think of mine? Do you have things in common with me?
Him: Nice pics
Me: Oh I thought maybe you read my profile.
Him: Nice tattoo
Me: It has special meaning to me.
Him: When can I see the whole thing?
Me: I see your a Christian. I’m Agnostic. I wrote it in my profile.
Him: What’s that?
Me: Google it
Him: Oh I see. I don’t think we’re a match. I’ll pray for you. God bless.

Omg!!! I get this all the time!!
Your thoughts?

LovelyLady4U 4 Apr 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Your mistake was not ending the conversation at "Well, hello Sexy."

This is not a promising start.

Ya I should figure that one out by now. Ya I’m sexy but does the guy have to go right just thinking out loud? Lol.

  • "Hello sexy." = Me want vagina!
  • Doesn't read your profile = Don't care who you are, just want vagina!
  • Show me the rest of your tattoo = Hope it leads to your vagina!
  • "I don't think we’re a match. I’ll pray for you. God bless." = That vagina is full of the DEVIL!

Lmao!!! So true.


You have more patience than most sane women...I would have ended the conversation after "hi sexy". Apparently his god has no problem with him being a pig.


I'm pretty sure that "Hello Sexy" is similar to "wanna f...".

I know, right?


Calls himself a Christian, but is only interested in seeing your whole tattoo, not in reading your profile or inquiring about the tattoo's special meaning. Poser. Loser.

OHJim Level 5 Apr 14, 2019

Ya. He’s supposed to be Christian? Only on Sundays. Lol


Should have blocked him at "Hello sexy".
I've seen the crap that most(and I mean most) guys text my housemate. "You are soooo beautiful", "I love you", "I want to spend my life with you", "My love will not be denied". This all before they have even met. Holey fucking moley guys, what the fuck is the matter with you.
Guys, if you know guys like this, let them know how totally wrong they are.
I am totally embarrassed. I am sorry. I want to ask for your forgiveness, but really, do not forgive and especially, do not forget.


i am always reminded of the movie title "earth girls are easy." it's as if christians wander here in the belief that atheist/agnostic girls are easy.


Quite the opposite. We have brains!!!

@LovelyLady4U but brainless people don't recognize that about us!



Wow!!! That is way too much stupidity!!! Makes you wonder if he was raised under a rock!!! There truly are intelligent guys out there! Don't give up!!

Thank you

Yeah, I'm over here, LOL


Dafuq? Sad thing is that approach must occasionally work on someone or why else would he do it?

Ya I guess it could. Maybe for another Christian lol.

Sadder still is he thinks women are a monolith and what worked on 1 woman must work on all of us. :/


yay ! He will pray for u !!! 😂😂😂✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻🙌🙌🙌 here u go , all your problems solved !!!

I know, right? He was a weirdo. Lol. I should have said “ May Satan be with you” lol.


If you see he's a Christian, or any other religion, end it right there!

Right on gf. No more Christians for me. That’s why I joined this site. I hope it works.


I'm an atheist, I met a woman a few years ago who was agnostic, at first. She found Jesus really quickly, and started trying to convert, reform, and/or save me. You're lucky these guys bailed and didn't see you as an opportunity to collect some kind of Jesus Reward Points.

Don't worry about that, "I'll pray for you." shit. He didn't mean it, and even if he does, it can't hurt you.

JimG Level 8 Apr 15, 2019

Those brownie point things really amaze me. Do they get on a faster train to heaven with them? Do they get the good clouds?

@heymoe2001 They seem to think they'll get something. Maybe they can cash them in for harp lessons or a lighter sentence in purgatory.


A big portion of people must not want to learn anything about the other person’s personality ...for friendships or even a mate! Why not just purchased a blow-up doll mate, then you could cultivate it into your own image! And life would be just as you want devine!


They can memorize a buy-bull from cover to cover but they can't read the very name of this website. That level of stupid is exactly why we have a baboon in the White House.


What an a**


Sex being mentioned in the opening line is a give away.

I was introduced to my late partner by my brother-in-law. She lived in Texass and I in Seattle. We talked for hours and hours over the phone for 2 months and sex was not mentioned once but everything else was. Sex should augment a relationship not take priority.


I get that but I'm an atheist. I also get this from being a liberal. Doesn't phase me. I figured I just dodged a bullet! Ha ha! 🤪


Problematic from the start. He can't answer simple questions? And he doesn't know what agnostic means? Yikes!

Ya clueless. Please tell me there are more intelligent men out there than that

@LovelyLady4U I've heard there are. Attracting them is a whole other subject.


I got told "I have a problem with your height and religion!"

I didn't know atheism was a religion!

Being a fairly tall woman, I find that pretty funny. There is a good chance I'd have a problem with someone's height and/or their religion. I'm not sure I'd just send that off as a message, though.


I love to block people like this. If you post his handle I could stop him from contacting me ever. I suggest to most people to block these idiots.


I never get this 'cause I am not shopping for a man. My profile would say in the 1st sentence "no religiosos".

i'm not shopping for a relationship either. i still occasionally get hit up on, and i drop big heavy hints like when they say "so what are you doing right now?" i say "making dinner for my man." that doesn't seem to make an impression (concrete is not generally that impressionable). or i refer them to my profile, which clearly say i am here for community, and also mentions my man. still no comprehension. sometimes i have to say "leave me alone or i'll report you" before they back off.



There are a lot more people looking for sex and money than there are people looking for love

I believe that...if they grow old, they will be empty of what holds up their nature!


Seems like he doesn’t want a partner, just a warm hole that will cook and clean for him.

@PJWanders I think that he wants to "see the tatoo" as well.

@Stephanie99 Yeah, tattoos are so very "christian"😃


My thoughts are...what an ass!


That's what you get in god crazy america. Try across the pond where we are all godless heathens, and a few even more godless pirates. arrrr

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