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Statins! Effective in half of those who take them. The other half get no benefit. Rather intriguing.


Petter 9 Apr 16

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My cholesterol fell from 177 to 114 in less than 2 weeks (I have. Congestive Heart Failure plus type II diabetes so they want it Low). Now take 1/2 tablet. No side effects that I can tell, although I take A Lot of meds for the heart & diabetes, how could I tell?


Potential benefit vs occurence of severe side effects do not make it worth it for several members in my family...

Zster Level 8 Apr 16, 2019

That is one class of drugs I'd refuse to take, too many side effects.

???? Can you name a few? The drug insert that comes with the stuff seems pretty standard BS......

@AnneWimsey Statins and certain foods (grapefruit is one) react together very badly.

@Petter mine has no warning label on it to that effect, nor is it noted in the Extensive literature that comes with every order...... I love those little grapefruits they sell at Aldi!

Read this.

@Petter my pharmacy has a plentiful supply of warning labeld to plaster on any/all bottles, and they do so When Appropriate.

@AnneWimsey the link I gave you is to the UK government's National Health System website.

@Petter I realize that. I trust my pharmacist & doctor. Also, you do realize there are several formulas for "statins" and what applies to one might not be applicable to others?

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