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Dan Broadbent πŸš€
Because the melting point of gold is 1064Β°C and a wood fire burns at around 600Β°C

Kaylee Crain
After all the aftermath and destruction of the Notre Dame fire, the alter and cross remained untouched. Please explain to me how you don’t believe in God after seeing this.

jerry99 8 Apr 17

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I have pointed this out to several believers in my neighborhood. I get this look like they're examining the top of my head for horns!! It really is too funny.
Pay attention in science class!!


As an idiot once said, "we don't need no stinkin science."


"Pure gold is simply too tough to melt with an ordinary fire. Pure gold has a melting point of 1945 degrees Fahrenheit. The average cooking fire even with good coals can reach approximately 650 to 700 degrees Fahrenheit". That's amazing. Because gold is soft I would have thought it melted at a low temp. I guess you're going to see a lot of "how you don't believe in god" posts.

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