I haven't been here much lately....because....
I met the most amazing man. He's retired military after 20 years of service and retired GS 13 also after 17 years.
He's also Atheist, vegetarian, and child free by choice!!!
There is a lot of traveling in our future.
I can't believe we found each other.
Anyhow, I joined this site originally in hopes of meeting someone....and, whilst I enjoy some discussions on here, I'm probably not coming back much at all.
I'll leave a few photos up and my profile so as not to create holes in threads.
Best wishes to all.
PS -- If you want to take over one of my groups, send me a message.
If you by chance see this, I wish you the best Susen, we had some interesting chats on here. Your friend, the Renegade Libertarian.
How did you meet him, on Agnostic? I would be very surprised if you did. Is he long distance or local? Seeing your location on your bio, I'm guessing he is LD and from Agnostic. His traits are so offbeat and rare among the general pop,, it sounds like you found a unicorn.....In my local area, someone with those traits would be a unicorn....
Surprisingly...within 2 miles of me....same town (next to Army base) and in a historic house that looks a LOT like mine. We are sure it was the same architect!
He's into fitness and works out 2x a day and eats vegetarian for health.
His first wife (27 year marriage) already had kids when he married her and with his Army career, he didn't want more. She died of cancer within the past year.
I'm still pinching myself that I met him.
@SkotlandSkye Still didn't say how you met him. Online, chance meeting in public, at a gym, what? You are correct that you beat overwhelming odds in meeting someone so compatible so close by in OK.
@TomMcGiverin met in a grief counseling group ---- so, crappy circumstances but happy chance meeting.
@SkotlandSkye So you are widowed like me? I went to support group for widowed people for several months, but quit going after that because, one, they all seemed very traditional and conformist, compared to me and most Agnostic.com types, and secondly, almost all the women were way older in their age or their thinking and acting. So I didn't see the point in continuing. Their informational programs at each meeting were boring and not telling me anything I didn't already know about grieving or widowed life. So the only two reasons to stay would have been to meet someone for dating or get support from the group. It was clear to me that neither of those were ever going to happen for me with all the cultural and age diffs between me and the group. Glad you ran into a better group that had at least one cool, hipster type in it. That was never going to happen for me in Des Moines Iowa.