We all know that The Washington Post is certainly no friend to the right wing, conservative ideology. So why all of a sudden they are printing something admitting they got it wrong, and Fox news was correct about the whole Russia Collusion findings.
Since when is admitting a mistake wrong?
Since NEVER my friend... I'm just glad they were able to print the story. It renewed my faith in their publication.
I have no fucking idea.
Just because the report said "they didn't find it", doesn't mean it still didn't happen.
Take note, folks... Here's someone that can actually make an unbiased observation. And I have to admit, I didn't expect this from you KK... Love yah... ❤
@Captain_Feelgood Look, I know what I heard coming directly from 45's mouth.
I'm also aware of 40+ years of that two-bit con man's history.
45 is unfit to hold the office. There is ample demonstration of that in
Mueller's report.
There is plenty there to impeach him over.
The ONLY real problem are the republicans in the Senate who are still
covering for him.
Unfortunately, they can't be removed until next year.
Anyway you squeeze it trump is a callous callow poor excuse for a person much less a president. Everything he is doing and I mean everything he is doing is bad for people and that includes you and includes him. If you willfully destroy your own ecosystem, you are willfully poisoning yourself and everyone else sustaining atrocities to preserve profits. He is slowly killing you and himself, and the people that support him, like you are complicit, but there is nothing you can say even though I have watched you try;there is nothing you can say because there is no defense for trump and those who support him.it is simply the definition of insanity. Knowing you, you will have something to say, and like trump, who has a lot to say, you don't have any credibility. Like Mark Twain once said about a president, the president eats shit and dirt and wants to feed it to everyone else. So spare us your verbal excreta. Nobody is listening.
Haaaaahahaha... well, apparently you're listening because you responded. Thanks for that by the way. ❤
LMAO. When people try to create their own obviously false propaganda, it has to look like this.
WaPo admitted no such thing. Did you happen to take a gander at the URL? Or the page itself, before diving in? It's an OPINION column. Read it back with me. OPINION column. He's not even employed there, he's a contributer.
Moreover, this particular columnist is a conservative with previous works like "build the wall" and "arm the school teachers with guns."
You couldn't be more obvious if you tried.
No doubt, WaPo is heavy left/center.. It doesn't make a shit if it's an OP or not, It's printed in the WaPo... enough said there, Jr.. ✌
@Captain_Feelgood so are ads and other such nonsense. Not everything in WaPo is the opinion of the newspaper. That's kind of the point of newspapers.
I work at a newspaper company. We print shit I personally disagree with all the time, that doesn't make mine or the commenter's opinion that of the newspaper.
I do apologize. I assigned malevolence where ignorance would have just as easily explained this post.
And yes, I can't believe I have to explain this, but whether it's an opinion from someone else does matter. As stated above, newspapers support dialogue with their opinion sections. Just because it is printed on their newsprint doesn't make it their opinion.
I know you're a zealot, to still support trump you almost have to be, and are thus incapable of backing down, but you're so incredibly wrong that it borders on humorous.
Nice condescension at the end btw. I often find when faced with facts zealots resort to that sort of pettiness. I do encourage you to continue you with them. Maybe fall back on the classics. Call me a liberal or somethingsomethingSoros.
@Xuande So, my post is so incredibly wrong, it's almost humorous? Okay, let's break it down then, shall we... I said the WP is no friend to the right wing. Is that wrong? No.. I've gone back looking for something they've printed before that was anything near supporting the POTUS and couldn't find anything. Hell, it may be out there somewhere and I didn't see it. Do you know of anything? By all means, send me a link. They're not like Fox News or something by any means. Then I said they ended up printing something admitting they got it wrong. Did they? Yes. 2 for 2 so far. Aaaaand that's about it. So where exactly did I get something wrong? Oh, and yeah, I'm a quarter Century older than you, so you're DEFINITELY a junior to me. No disrespect intended, sorry if it hurt your feelings. pffft..
@Captain_Feelgood You keep saying "they" like WaPo is this gigantic entity comprised of only one person with one opinion. But if you do want to read the newspaper's opinion (as noted by the thing that says "our opinion" or something like it, you'd have to read this:
That ... doesn't sound like they've exactly said Fox was right.
The contributer that wrote the piece you referenced has constantly posted good things about Trump, specifically how "liberals" don't get how real Muricans feel about him. They have similar contributers who do the same thing, all the time. Now, is it anywhere near the left-leaning content you'll see in the OPINION section of WaPo? No. They've come out and admitted they've had trouble even finding pro-Trump writers.
You just didn't know any of that. That's OK, but I also know you won't admit it. You've been fooled. You're sucked in on some propaganda and it's hard to admit that. But yes, you're laughably wrong about this.
There are plenty of right-wing WaPo OPINION writers, but neither they nor their left-wing counterparts make up what is the newspaper's opinion. That opinion, as shown above, is decidedly not that Fox was right about anything.
"Sorry if it hurt your feelings"
In addition to being condescending you've added being kind of a dick to the list. I can't wait to see what you post next. Whatever it is, I highly doubt it starts with "I didn't understand the ways newspapers worked and I apologize."
@Xuande "I didn't understand the ways newspapers worked and I apologize."
Hows that? But yeah... I'm a dick.
Ps: neither of your links supported your claim.. Nice try though.
@Captain_Feelgood Thank you for saying that, even in sarcasm. It's good to admit when you're wrong, which you objectively are.
You think I'm typing these things out of meanness, but I'm not attempting to be an asshole toward you. However, you're wrong. There's absolutely no universe in which you're not. I dearly wish you'd own it. Instead, you keep giving me these weak deflections like those represented in your last post.
At this point, just stop replying. You can save face, tell yourself you put me in my place already and I just want the last word, and then run off to keep believing this same nonsense. I haven't convinced you of anything, but only because you won't be.
In anticipation of just that, have a great one, Captain_Feelgood. I hope your other dearly-held opinions were arrived to with much more sound logic.
@Xuande Haaa.. yep... I'm wrong.. Thanks for pointing it out for me.. Where would I be without you Xuande? You typing things out of meanness? Nooo... never crossed my mind. Stupidity? Mmmm yeah, maybe. So you know, in my Universe, I'm correct. But thankfully, the world has Liberals like you that know what's best for everybody.. God bless you and all your infinite knowledge.
Nope, I reply when I want. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Perhaps it's you that should tell yourself that you put me in my place already, and you just want the last word, and then run off to keep believing the same nonsense you espouse. I haven't convinced you of anything, but only because you won't be convinced of anything other than the BS the MSM feeds you. Keep drinking that bong water infused Kool-Aid there, Buddy. It's doing wonders for your intelligence level...
In anticipation of just that, have a great one, Xuande. I hope your other dearly-held opinions were arrived AT (not to) with much more sound logic. But I'm not holding my breath.
@Captain_Feelgood Like a fiddle.
"So you know, in my Universe, I'm correct."
Yes, you've summed up the problem.
Thank you for the grammar correction. Sometimes I make mistakes, but I have no problem owning up to them.
I will leave the rest of this space blank to save more room for any remaining tirades you may have. Enjoy.
@Xuande Thanks, buddy... Till we meet again.. I wish you the best.
They are? Really? Ummmm, not so much.......
@Captain_Feelgood you watch Far too much Faux, sweetie
@AnneWimsey You should watch MORE Fox news, darlin. Clinton News Network has been rotting your brain.
@Captain_Feelgood Who? I like BBC.