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I can prove that God does not exist with one word... "Dinosaur!" you Know, great big lizards that lived millions of years before God created our 6000 year old 🌍 earth!

Coffeeman 7 May 4

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Check out some photos of ‘molting birds,’ likely a closer approximation to the once mighty dinosaurs. But yes - how are they explained, or worse, ignored?

Varn Level 8 May 4, 2019

No shit am not a moron like evangelical

Hehehe, this comment made me smile!


An old geology professor of mine told us how, one day, he was lecturing about dinosaurs, and one of his students ran out of the class in tears. He caught up with her in the hallway, and asked her what was wrong. She explained that dinosaurs didn't fit in with her religious beliefs. She had been taught that 'God' created the world just 4,000 years ago. And that dinosaurs couldn't have gone extinct 40,000,000 years ago, because the World 'didn't exist' at the time!

Oh, shit, that's funny!


Nooooo, gawd put those bones there to test your faith......

@Bobby9 Me, too.

@Bobby9 Got me some disgusted looks!


But... that’s not going to “prove” anything to a young-earth theist, or even one who believes that the earth is billions of years old. They always justify it or fit the facts to support their beliefs.

I'm halfway joking... I just find this argument , a funny Thing to say to a believer...

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