10 3

Who walks? you know because the doctor said so.

hankster 9 May 4

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My doctor gave me three months to get my rising blood pressure under control or else she would give me medicine...she wanted me to lose 20 pounds...I lost only six by walking, fasting, and cutting out almost all sugar/processed foods.. was enough to lower my pressure enough to get another six months to get even better...It was my goal not to take any medicine...I walk everyday but do long walks three or four times a week...

I did all that stuff and my systolic came down a little bit but my diastolic was holding steady.

@hankster same here...which is why I need six more months...and sometimes, due to age or heredity, it won't is frustrating but I am going to do all I can...taking a pill will be my last resort...good luck

@thinktwice it's a family tradition with me. and the cholesterol. but most of them make it to the 80s and 90s.

@hankster It could be your normal...I have been reading a lot about cholesterol numbers and how they are really misleading...I am rooting for you to be around a long, long do all you can...good job!

@thinktwice I'm far from I'll do something in the vicinity of my best. you better also. 🤗. I have an aunt who's like the super nurse and she says they make it way too big a deal out of cholesterol most of the time.

@hankster She would be appalled to know that I eat meat, use butter, drink cream, and have a count of 157...ha ha

@thinktwice oh no she would love it! she eats all that stuff

@thinktwice but she may be taking a pill I don't know.

@hankster lol I misread...I agree with her..I take no medications...even stopped taking vitamins...


I am walking an average of 5 miles every night I work 😂 If anyone tells me on my days off to go for a walk / hike / blah blah , I want to punch them on the face 😂. Man , I smoked for 30 yrs and i continue to live on Nutella , snickers , Cheetos , and such 😂
Healthy as a horse , still 125 lbs , no blood sugar issues or cholesterol . The only thing I can't Ditch it's my heart beat regulating pill , but hey , we all have to die from something !!!😂🦇

way to go!

We need to make a list of all the people you want to punch in the face.

@Count_Viceroy who has x to read for 10 whole minutes !


Can't on cane back injury

sorry man.


Before my pregnancy, I ran an hour everyday... Now I brisk walk for an hour an a half...


If routinely following a self-propelled commercial Snapper lawnmower around nearly an acre counts.. Me. I always make a point to walk, though. Read some research that described ‘walking’ as the optimum speed for the human brain to ‘take in surrounding information.’ So I do!

Have an Atheist buddy I’ve walked/ hiked with, that is a blast. As depressing as our current national political situation is ..we nearly laugh ourselves sick. Though yesterday, we sat like stumps ..I had a sweet tea 🙂

Varn Level 8 May 4, 2019

I walk around campus most days. I tend to never drive in my little town, no point. We walk to the pub too 😉



I walk. From the house to the car. From the car to the bar. Back to the car. Back into the house from the garage. From the sofa to the fridge.


Well, I do. Technically the doctor said it would no longer be safe for me to drive as my vision deteriorated (I am now legally blind). So< I walk a great deal.

Yesterday, I walked to the pub for happy hour, then to the hardware store to get a drill bit, then to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription.

pub first. good planning. can't drive but you can drill things?

@Amisja My condition is called Stargardt's Disese. It is a rare hereditary condition. wher eyou lose the central field of vision but you keep peripheral vision. The peripheral vision is enough to do many taks close up. It is even enough to ride a bike safely... as long as I dotn' go faster than about 10mph. So, yeah i do some stuff around the house and in the yard.

Currently, we are in the process of replacine some posts with wires strung between them, as a kind of trellis for grapes and blackberries. We hired soeone to set the new posts and to drill the holes for the wire. However, in order to hold the wire we have what are called "One Way Vice clamps, which you feed the wire through oen way and it won't let the wire move in the other direction. Teh device is intended to set into the post in larger holds of about 5/8" wide and abotu 2" deep. Si on one side of the posts i have to enlarge the hoel for the wire in which to set them. Thus, i bought a drill vit that coudl drill a 5/8" hole.

Later today, I'll be drilling the larger holes for the one way vice clamps and stringing the wire.between the posts. The one way vice clamps are supposed to handle 8-11 gauge wire, and I bought 9 gauge wire, so it should all work fine. We'll see though.

I added a photo of the one way vice clamp so people reading this can better picture what I am talkign about.


I go on 1-3 hour desert hikes, cliff climbing twice a day now, because I love it. I photograph desert flora and fauna and keep up with my wild neighbors through their tracks, scat, and outright observation. The local birds and animals seem to have adopted me in turn, calling out to me when I pass, or even visiting me at my sliding glass doors in the housing division above the desert area.

I have fourth stage cancer and only four months ago I was in a wheelchair, so it's good to be out and about again.


I walk to spite the doctor. He wanted me on pharma for the rest of my life. I threw the scrip in the trash and said I’ll die walking. That was ten years ago.

skado Level 9 May 4, 2019

I tried that and eating all the right stuff, but the hypertension was too persistent.

@hankster hey, my Mom's cholesterol was rarely below 390, she lived to be 93. One of her friends has never had cholesterol readings under 426, still lives alone, cares for her house & yard, drives, pays bills etc. at 98....IMO what is normal for you is probably what's best for you, assuming a bit of care in foods & some activity

@AnneWimsey if I was eating well and mine got that way I wouldn't worry about it.... but there's a lot of hot dogs and frozen pizzas and canned goods in mine.

@AnneWimsey and really I'm not so concerned about the cholesterol as the hypertension.

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