Heartbeat Bill in Ohio......it didn't take long for a worst case scenario to crop up...
I would pay to have that child brought across the border to PA...just as I drove many women to Chicago in the dark ages...this is insane
Sometimes I am ashamed of my state..... the Heartbeat Bill was voted in but at least it is being challenged/appealled in court, so there is still hope. There is also a chance that Congerssional Districts are going to be redrawn so the stranglehold (gerrymandering) the Republicans have enjoyed in Ohio may be reversed. Good on you for helping out others in need....abortion rights need to be protected to keep women safe.
@LizBeth I am sad that all of the hard work and danger we endured is being threatened...but this story is heartbreaking...the trauma that child has been through already...
@thinktwice Yes - it really is a very sad story. That poor child is probably now stuck with no option besides giving birth (depending on how many weeks she is - and who knows what she wants).....and who knows if her body will be capable of enduring a pregnancy at that young of an age..... I hope she is getting the proper medical care.... The Heartbeat Bill is nothing more than an attempt to take choice away from women. Roughly 6 weeks and a heartbeat can be detected does not equal viability (IMO).
@LizBeth Totally disregards the idea that other beliefs, notably those of Jewish faith, believe that life begins upon first breath...
It's always been about the power to control and oppress.