Atheism is an eager presumption.
Under normal circumstances you might be right. However, present day violence and a concerted effort by many religions to dismantle all our democratic systems (+ history). show that we need to take a strong stand to maintain a secular government. Religion has proven itself over and over that it is not a moral way of living and often predicated on greed, arrogance, selfishness and violence.
@hankster Religion is based on people's concepts of a god. Without some sort of reward/punishment system I doubt we'd be having this discussion. However, the bottom line is that the universe has rules and laws and does not work by magic or supernaturalism and it certainly is not anthropocentric.
No, I'd say creating a religion is.
@hankster deists believe in a creator that set everything in motion then doesn't interfere, or even care about what happens, or one who watches to see what happens. Its a branch of theism that rejects the trappings of organized religion and tend to live like an atheist would. Its your basic "some god did it and theres nothing we can do about it" outlook.
It does, however, include a supernatural component, as do all religions. Atheists reject supernatural explanations. There's nothing presumptuous in rejecting the supernatural, but there is something presumptuous in claiming a supernatural explanation for that which is currently inexplicable.
@hankster Have you considered that the further up the evolutionary tree, the more the animal is aware of itself, which is a good definition of "consciousness"
Many mammals and birds have remarkable intelligence and self-awareness.
Now technology is working on artificial intelligence, and creating a sort of awareness. How long before a machine becomes sufficiently aware of not only its surroundings, but also its existence? It will happen provided man does not hurtle down the path to extinction.