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I don't talk about it much, but mother's day is kinda hard for me. I have two children that I'll never see and never hold. Two children whose heartbeats I felt but never heard. I've made sure I'll never experience that loss again. It's hard some days, especially on mothers day, to be reminded of the children I lost to life and to death. What would they look like today? What kind of people would they have been? One would be 10 the other 6. In a different world maybe they'd be here with me. I try not to dwell on the what ifs and the if onlys, but sometimes I can't help but wonder.

And despite everything they are my children, even though I only carried them for a short time, and I love them.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 May 12

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I have 2 daughters-one who I can't talk to in court and is getting evicted the day after Mothers Day from my home in NH which is a short sale or foreclosure next week. Saw my other daughter Becky this past week. I had a miscarriage before they were born very early so I never felt the loss. You are grieving and I feel for you @Lady Alyxandrea. Tough Mothers Day for some of us.

You have my sympathy as well


Today's been hard for me too. I'm struggling with the emotions from having my 6 kids taken away and given to their abusive dad. My pre-teen and teenage daughters have opened up over the last couple weeks about emotional struggles they are having due to their dad and new step mom. It's killing me.

@UpsideDownAgain I am really sorry. You have validated my choices.

You are in my thoughts. Best wishes


I am so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing something so private with us. Im sending you a dump truck full of hugs.


I am sorry. I have one too.


Thanks for sharing. Stay strong. My thoughts are with you. You're a mother indeed. Hold your last paragraph close to you. Here's to a great mother's day.

Thank you


My first daughter died after 3 days of being born I held her in me hands knowing she was not going to live. My second daughter was taken away from me by my first ex wife at the age of 8 and I have not been allowed to speak with her since. I feel for you my dear The pain and lose of a child never goes away


I am so sorry for your losses. I lost my first baby at almost 6 months pregnant, she had neuraltube defects that precluded life after birth. When I was an xian it was comforting to think she was in heaven with my mom. That was a nice little fantasy. I still wonder, 36 years later what she would have been like.


So sad for your loss. Being a mother sure holds us in a certain bondage, I can not imagine any mother that says that is not true for them. Some of us are luckier than others.


Big, big hugs


Nothing on earth is as painful as losing a child. I hope that you can find peace.


I know how you must be feeling. My girlfriend (at the time) miscarried our daughter about a month into the second trimester. I still have dreams about her to this day, and she has been aging each time she makes an appearance - it's unsettling. She would be turning 18 this month. I have never really been the same since.

So sorry for what you are going through.


A loss such as yours,leaves a hole in your heart,as you said,wondering how they may have affected the World,inventions,medical breakthroughs,or a manufacturing process,not thought of....


My late partner had 2 kids and 2 abortions. She then got pregnant again and had the child but then got sterilized. She was always open and never apologized about the abortions. I asked her why 2 and she only said it was the husbands responsibility to deal with family planning. This was a curious answer coming from such a strong personality. After we married I did get to know her jerk husband and understood some of which she had to go through. After joining this site I got into many conversations and it finally hit me. In many cultures (and even here marital rape is not a crime or even considered wrong - they were from Iran). There are often solid reasons we do what we do and I believe every child has to be a wanted, loved and have a reasonable expectation of success. In this area no one should ever feel guilty for their past actions. They are probably justified and we men have no right to judge.

Thank You for this perspective, I wish more people thought like you with honesty and integrity even to the point in society when it is not always the ideal situation. More of this attitude is needed in our society because I can relate to this story.


I do feel your pain. I have 2 daughters that I will never be able to hold again. So sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine....

Dew25 Level 7 May 12, 2019

Awww, man. Of course you love them. I've got nothing for you but a big ass virtual hug.


Sorry to hear that.

I have 4 brothers/sisters that never survived child birth.


I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, for a parent I know it's the worst loss to suffer from losing their children's death , you are in my thoughts for sure


I can only wish all people peace and love. Mothers and women who have never had children, all of us, do the best we can with what we have. We cannot change the past but we can change our future.


According to march of dimes, about 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, though only about 20% are known (most miscarriages happen before the woman knows she was pregnant). About 1% end in stillbirth (25 weeks or later). I don't know how many miscarriages the average sexually active, het female, has. Anyhow, a whole bunch of depressing stats, but each and every one of us has a mom, and that's what this day is really about, not the brothers and sisters we might have had, or the numbers of offspring we've made.


I am so sorry that happened to you.


I send my warm warm hugs. The words you chose tell me that that you are a very warm human being and will be a great new mother again.

I appreciate your sentiments. I like to think I am a warm person. However I have forfeited the ability to become a mother. I became sterilized this year.


I never knew my mother. I've lost 6 pregnancies, almost 7. I had a baby that weighed 2 pounds.

You never accept the loss. You never get over the pain. I have a hard time with Mother's day. So much so that my kids take me to dinner on Saturday. I worked all day yesterday. I had to say Happy mother's day too many times. Not a soul said it back, and I was very grateful.

LilaQ Level 3 May 13, 2019

I'm sorry for your loss. Your post reminded me also that my mother went through some of this because I had a sister that I never met. Her name was Deborah and she never made it out of the hospital. I never saw her, but have only heard the story and remember when this happened. I must have been about 12 and later on we went to her grave maybe twice. Today I cannot even tell you where it is but your post caused me to recall what I am writing.


I know how much this hurts, I'm sorry. But do not give up.

ylma Level 5 May 13, 2019
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