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Have you seen the insurance ad that claims Americans on average live in eleven different places? I made a list and discovered that I have lived in 14 different homes/apartments. How many have you lived in?

Bevzilla 5 May 12

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I've moved at least 43 times. I moved back to the same house two times. I'm tired of moving. I've never had a driver's license expire with my correct address printed on it. I have 6 years until my license expires, I have my fingers crossed. Lol


Over 79 places. 2 foreign countries. 6 states.
I also flip houses on the side so i have flipped 7 working on #8 currently.


State to state...14 times (8 states)
City to city...18 times (16 cities or towns)
Between 55 and 60 apts and houses
No wonder I'm fucking tired!


13 different homes, 4 of which were under a year each during my transition to my current state. Wow. Only two different states though.


Over 200 days per year I lived on 18 wheels 48 states with my Service Cats since ground bound domiciles 7 in Iowa 3 SC 3 NY AR TX CA OR DE FL and WDC have been military and political homes


As a child we moved a every year or so but as an adult I have lived in 17 different places. More if you count moving back in with my grandmother after breaking up with the first husband several times.

I also am not including anywhere I lived less than 3 months as I used to spend summers up north with my first husband.

What is odd to me is when I lived in these places:
Five between 18 and 23( 9 if you count grandmas house)
Five from age 24 to 35 but the last two were a mobile home then a house that we bought.
Seven from 40 to current although that was due predominately to the financial aftermath of having cancer and renting rooms from people or living in a hotel at one point.

After 50, I have lived in 2 places; an apt I rented when I first came back to my hometown and the house I currently own.

Good question. I initially said "not me" when I read it but it made me think.

This is what's crazy about America:
"The financial aftermath of cancer"


2 continents
5 places in Europe
3 places in the USA
Not counting the many places I stayedwhile I was a hippie


I think fifteen addresses, four states and eight cities within the US


Eleven! 10 in Indiana and 1 in GA (same house the last 21 years).

Zster Level 8 May 13, 2019


5 houses in Haiti: three different houses in Cap Haitian, two in Port-au-Prince.
Houses in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, NJ, LA, CO, IA, GA, New Mexico, Texas,
Two houses in Mexico,
Six houses in Thailand.


Seven places, 2 states

gearl Level 8 May 12, 2019

If a ‘new house’ on the same property doesn't count as a move, I came up with seven. Though, five were in the same city I was born. (two states, OR & VA)

Varn Level 8 May 12, 2019

Only one state--Pennsylvania. Lived in 9 different houses/apartments.


5 states 8+ places

bobwjr Level 10 May 12, 2019

9 places , 3 states . Md, va, nc


7 states, and I don’t care to count the number of moves in each state:/


Twelve places and two states: Michigan and Washington State.


I counted 13 places. 5 states!


Couldn't count, at least eleven while still in elementary school. And at least eleven more in my young adult/ college years. 10 more since my late twenties and I met my wife.


Since I bought my first house at the age of 33, I have lived in 9 different places. If I include rented flats and houses prior to this I could add a further 12, a total of 21. This is probably quite unusual for the UK where people don't tend to move so much.


Five as a kid, but from age 7-18 in the house my parents still live in. Spent a long time sharing rental houses in my 20s-30s, so around 10 in various Sydney suburbs, mainly either inner West or Eastwood/Epping. Probably more. That period of my life is a bit blurry. Moved to the UK 15 years ago, lived in two houses in Cambridge, two houses in Manchester.
So, about 20?

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