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I saw a statistic today that 1 in 4 women have had an abortion. I'm thinking that means 25% of us are feeling very uncomfortable right now.

Katnap 4 May 16

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"Uncomfortable"? For keeping myself & existing child from extreme poverty?
For exercising the right to control my own bdy & destiny?
Try ANGRY AS HELL I have to March on Washington, again at this age?!!!?!


I was skeptical of this number but it's surprisingly close. But not 25 percent of atheist women, because atheist women tend to be more likely to be more well off and frankly, white.

White women as a whole have fewer abortions than any other race, and middle class white women have fewer than poor.

Once again, it is poor black women who will suffer the most from these restrictive policies.

The stats I have found support that nearly 60% of legal abortions are performed for white/other races...those stats are probably skewed a bit because in states that have almost no minority population, like SD, the rate is nearly 77% while states like AL are at 60%. I am using the Kaiser Foundation statistics...the interesting thing is that AL, GA, LA and MS have the highest abortion rates by black women...and since 2000, abortions in the black population have actually gone down while whites remain the and birth control was working...

In my state, PA, the stat is about 50/50...

You are correct that the number of abortions are probably performed on lower economic groups...private insurance and payments can easily be left out of reporting requirements...I know many women who simply had "miscarriages" reported...


Killing takes on comfortable numbness.


Especially in Ohio ! 😟


Seems like alot. Many religious people think abortion and adultery as the worst sins in the world. Many must feel uncomfortableally numb.

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