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I'm curious to know if some of you can't help themselves saying " Thank God" or Oh my God", even though you're atheist or agnostic ? Just an hour ago I was sure I lost my presto card ( bus card in Toronto). I was panicking... Looking everywhere. When I finally found it I said " Thanks God !!" But immediately I thought God has nothing to do with that. Or anything ! Lol

Nathalie_Quebec 6 May 16

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I often say "god damn it" or "Jesus fucking Christ!" 🙂


I use the expressions "Jesus Christ!", "God dammit!" and "Good lord!" all the time, but I use them as expletives. For me, it's the only thing that they're good for.


I've trained myself to say "thank goodness" in situations like you described instead.


How about Jesus fucking Christ? I say that


No different than saying "oh my god!" during sex.
It's like swearing.
They're just words.


Just exposure to common language is all. 😎

Holy fuck! Is another contradiction. Although I do remember some biblical encounters. 😂


I also say "Oh Shit" what I don't have to do number 2!


I've taught myself to say "Thank the Gods". It usually pisses of the Christians, which is my point. Personally, I just see it as a saying. Nothing more.


Expressions built into common vernacular nothing to do with deity

bobwjr Level 10 May 16, 2019

It's just a habit. I'm trying to stop negative self-talk and swearing.


I catch my self saying thank god but i am guilty of oh my god


It’s alright, but you’ll have to do ten push-ups while saying “there is no god!”. On the other hand you could just crack open a beer and watch South Park.


It is just part of our lexicon. We say Hell all of the time even though it does not exist either. We eat devil's food cake. We say the devil is in the detail.


There is also:
Dad Gum!
Gull Dang!
Gull Darnst!
Dang Me!
Gull Darn!
Gosh Darn!
et. al., et. al., et. al.!


I say those thing all the time. I also celebrate Christmas. Who cares?


I try to include all of them by saying "thank gods" or "gods damn it". Lol


Yeah, never stopped using 'god' in my day to day phrases. jesus fucking chist is most often used lol. I think of it as a linguistic habit, nothing more.


I say them in reflex, it's just part of our language. Go tos include, god dammit, holy shit, for the love of christ/god, jfc, christ on a cracker, god in fucking heaven, any combinations and not limited to those lol


Doesn’t matter what you explete. It’s your culture. If you get bogged down with semantics you’ll still be stuck in the deist rut. No one will care one way or the other so give yourself a break and don’t give it any concern.


Yes. I replace god with "goodness". Easy enough. I try to be literal. I thank whoever is responsible, even my brain.


Cultural conditioning.

Of course, I watch a lot of Futurama reruns, so I often say, "Oh your God!"


Its just words, not a proclamation.


When dropping a can on my foot in the supermarket, I hear the guilty by standers snicker when I say "Fudge sickles!" or same sounding oaths. Just naughty enough for them say "Huh?"

Took me a life time to get out of the habits of the more common oaths like saying "thank God" for jalopenaia!


I use "Oh my Glob" from Adventure Time.


Yes, sometimes by habit.

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