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After reading the negative reviews about this site on the Google Store App, I’m surprised to see that some of those folks are still on here having a good time. Confuses me just a bit.

billhoo 5 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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You should have seen the comments for the Facebook ads...


Current members have given bad reviews? That is weird...

Do not think that's what he said..."random" reviews...see my comment just below.....


Oh, wait...could those reviews have been written by religious fatheads wanting to keep people away? Just sayin'.......


Don't believe everything you google maybe?


I'm still here having a good time because I am not here for the wrong reasons but for the correct ones, cheers!


I wasn't aware there were reviews of this website on the Google Store app. If men are looking for quick hook ups, this is the wrong place.

Often moronic religious men stumble onto this place, apparently believing agnostic women are promiscuous swingers, ready for wild sex since they don't believe in god. Usually, the men are uneducated, live with their mothers, and ignorant of what being an atheist means.

They'll actually write posts, like "Hello, fellow heathens! Not believing in god means we can do whatever we want-let's get some sex orgies going!"
Then when they try to ""hit" on the highly intelligent women here, acting like crude apes, they quickly get blocked.

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