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Saw this on Facebook and Twitter. Interesting.

1EarthLovingGal 7 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Been saying this for a very long time... After all if a guy doesn't like abortion he shouldn't have one but he should also not be allowed to tell others especially women what their rights are....


I've said similar things, although not quite as well. So, yeah, I saved this and posted it on my Facebook page, and will probably use it again in response to so-called "pro-life" posts in the future.


a corpse has greater body autonomy than a pregnant woman


Yep. Also a number of religious groups/denominations (including Southern Baptists) agreed with Roe v Wade when the ruling came down. They didn't switch their views under the late 1970s or early 1980s when they made an effort to bring the religious groups together as a political movement. The Southern Baptists and others gave up their main concern -- school integration -- and switched their attention to abortion.

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