Did you keep your pictures when you divorced or when you and your SO broke up?
I had an unusual experience with a date. They were unhappy that I still had pics of my ex. For some reason they expected that if I was over my ex I would have gotten rid of them.
We were married for 30 years, more than half my life. We have children together and grandchildren. I have no intention of trashing half my life because of divorce.
What's your opinion on this issue... is that unreasonable?
I was married for 37 years, and we were together for 5+ years before we married. I have three children from that marriage. I might abhor the man, but he is part of my history, and we had many wonderful years together.... Of COURSE I have photos of my ex. Nothing displayed, but he was a major part of my life. To "trash" so much of your life is wrong, and for anyone to be unhappy about any part of your past would suggest that that person has some un-resolved issues of his/her own. Yes, unreasonable...
I have pics and I am absolutely fine that my partner has pics of his. His relationships helped him become the person he is. My ex-hubby is the father of my children and in the end, we were happy together for many years. You are not a clean slate and anyone wanting to be with you needs to understand that. I like my partner's stories about his ex's...they make me feel so superior
I have diaries and pictures, concert stubs, leaflets, pebbles, bits of metal, etc from every year of my life all kept in a trunk and every piece has a special meaning to me - but little consequence to others
I have pictures of ex girlfriends and wives. They are a part of my history, some of them a very important part.
I kept pics of all of my ex-loves...they are in a box for my eyes only...you can't ever wipe out your past by throwing away the trimmings of life: mementos, pictures, etc. As long as you don't linger in the past, your current loves should appreciate that your past made you who you are today and keeping such things are of no consequence to them.
I would be a bit wary of anyone who has an issue with this...I think your view is quite a healthy one for you to move on happily the rest of your life.
It all varies person by person. I have none- a hard 28 year abusive mess. My SO, now, after a 10 year hiatus, still, on occasion does a few things for her ex who recently had a stroke. I am not threatened in anyway, and she does minor things like any old friend would do. Having kids, I actually sort of envy that she can even talk with him (my ex and don't communicate at all).
So, you are fine, and a date who is offended is, in my humble opinion, someone who you don't need to see again, unless they can make changes.
Best wishes.
I think you are a good person for keeping these things. I have photos and gifts from my (failed) marriage and I will always keep them even though at the time the divorce was 'messy'. These things are a part of who I am. If anyone doesn't like that then tough.
Your date was irrational unreasonable and insensitive.....undeserving of a single photo next to your memoir gallery
....I can only hope someday to have wedding photos framed somewhere in a life with an honorable Feminist Atheist woman like you ....stupid dick date needs to read many books on life love and death....his attitude dishonors genuine marriage
@NoPlanetB if you have a photo of your "date" burn him in effigy NOW maybe the VooDoo alleged gawds will scare him away from the next woman he insults
Kept one wedding photo with my first, sexually abusive husband.
I had years of therapy to recover from being abused by the man I loved.
Tim died of a massive heart attack in 2008.
There should be a hideous Hell for men who abuse women and children.
Hieronymus Bosch springs to mind.
You are not unreasonable; your date was. I would think it far stranger if you had felt the need to purge everything and every last photo or trinket from your life.
I agree. I’ve kept photos from the past...and it IS the past. Plus none of a new date’s business. Red flag: jealousy going overboard.