Wish hard I had steel-toe boots on, the better to stomp those tiny fingers, but improvise as best I can, maybe even use my teeth! Desperate times call for desperate measures!
watch the fat cunt as his strength left him just like he would me.
Even though he is a svelte 239 pounds, I am afraid he would take me down with him...I think the humane thing to do is for me to try to use my six inch spiked heels to anchor his hands to the concrete and perhaps wait for other help...oh wait...I forgot my cell phone...hmmm..oh well...let me try this "help................help..............help"
If he is 239, I am freakin' Cindy Crawford in her prime! More like 339........
@AnneWimsey yep...which is why I couldn't be much help...I only weigh 113 pounds (sure.... )
Too loud!