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I will just leave this lying here for all you city dwellers to enjoy and think about - a little animation by Steve Cutts called "Happiness".


FrayedBear 9 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Wonderful! Thank you!


That is an eexcellent little film....thanks for sharing


This is applicable to most people in western society regardless of urban or rural location. The modern human has been conditioned to believe that success and happiness are synonymous with wealth and acquisition of material goods. We are sold this belief by politicians and the advertising industry. We are not considered by society in general to be successful unless we have a certain standard of living, which includes owning our own home, driving a car with a prestigious marque, and owning other consumer goods.....thus necessitating a well paid occupation to sustain such material wealth. Those who eschew this type of lifestyle in favour of a simpler less materialistic one, are in the minority and often considered to be oddballs and misfits.

But at least we are not "rats"!

@FrayedBear No...that’s true, I was never that, nor a country mouse! Good little film though, I must say.


I'm so tired of country rats thinking they've all got it figured out, then using big city inventions like the internet and computers to tell us about it.

1of5 Level 8 May 26, 2019

And what do the city types do when the collect enough money ?. buy a house in the country

@Moravian uhm, no, they all don't. Stereotype much?

@1of5 you are moving in the wrong circles my friend

@Moravian why? Because i retired at 51 and didnt move to the country? I greew up in the country, and find it rather dull.

@1of5 Which city do you live in ?. I grew up in a remote part of Scotland and left home to work in London at 16. I loved it for a few years but moved back to the country again. I have also lived in Bristol and Edinburgh and like city life but on balance I prefer the country.
I now live in a small village in the middle of a country park and at least half of the houses are either holiday homes or holiday lets so plenty of city folk like it for a spell.

Your delight to believe that and respond/react that way!


Agree with @NorCalFreethinker. It's not so much about city dwellers as it is about modern life in general.


I don’t think this is a commentary on city life as much as it is on the human condition in general. We are all searching for that quick fix and material things. We also all struggle with depression and look for an escape whether that’s a trip to the mall or riding our 4-wheelers through the woods. We all have our shit to deal with and do so in different ways.

Absolutely. Perfectly said.

@bleurowz Thank you!

My thoughts exactly- with fewer swear words🙂

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