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Tornados hit my area hard last night. There is so much damage! Some streets totally wiped out...others unscathed. I read this morning 51 tornados across 3 states. We had 3 on the ground back to back. I watched the second one come in. It left people trapped in houses...took several homes flat, and that was two streets over from me. I am seriously lucky it’s path veered the way it did. I’m shocked at the damage and so saddened for everyone who was affected. I’m extremely thankful the people I know here are okay. I just read an article a couple days ago saying how global warming will be increasing the frequency and severity of storms like these...yeah, no joke. I took this video after the first tornado and right as the second one was coming. The warning had been lifted so we were outside to see how things were and you could feel the eerie calm while the lightening was dancing around like crazy. You can’t really see in the video but there were red, blue and purplish lights in the sky as the second one came in.

BohoHeathen 8 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Dayton got hit hard. I watched the storms go by just North of me. Nice view from the hill, but a scary thought too. the sky was completely lit up from lightning.

Mart Level 4 May 29, 2019

there was a tornado outbreak in 1974 I think 400 tornados from Canada to the southern states. hit the building I lived in. I understand

@BohoHeathen yep that day. I was in Louisville


I'm on the north part of Dayton. Harrison Township. The neighborhood is torn apart.

Unity Level 8 May 28, 2019

I'm very sad and sorry so many were affected there, I'm glad you are ok. Was a cool video with interesting light patterns this is a photo of one that touched down in Dyer, Indiana a few miles at best from where I live

@BohoHeathen ya it is.. that is like my Favorite Gas station lols.. not too. Much damage which is good. Still a close call


So sorry but glad you’re ok.


So awful. Thank you for sharing your first hand account. Global warming is scary. I feel like this is all part of the horror movie that Rump is starring in.

No political figure really wants to take weather of this planet seriously, along what humans do that has been effecting it for long time now


Happy you know you're ok..hope the next round misses y'all entirely..please stay safe..


So glad you're ok. Stay safe and vigilant of the weather.


Wow! And more coming today! My area wasn’t hit, but they have had a couple touch done not very far to the north. But hey nothing to worry about: some asshole Republican congressman from Texas just scuttled a $19 B bill to help states recover from these weather catastrophes that had already passed the Senate and Cheeto said he would sign.

Yep, the repub congress critters here in Texas are mostly straight up assholes. They revel in their nastiness.


Stay safe!


I'm glad to hear that you are alright. I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to have tornadoes touching down during the night. 🤗


Glad you are okay, sad for those who aren't.


I read about it this morning, but your first hand account.., wow, glad you are all right 😳😱😯


How is Yellow Springs ? Xenia ?

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