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I'm on the fence when it comes to the wall. This guy makes good sense .

RobertMartin 8 May 28

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When I was younger my family lived in a neighborhood with no fences just continuous yard all the way down the street. Definitely the coolest neighborhood I lived in.


Yes, bridges and roads.


You know walls have worked so well through out history, never has a large wall protected any country or even a city, why not try it again. Insanity is to try the same thing over and over again expecting different results.


Every counytu has a right to conytol its borders and decide who is and is not allowed entry and what goods they may bring with them ... if you are happy to leave the border with mexico open, you should also propose that every international airport arrivals area allow everyone to simply walk through without checks

Most of the illegals come in legally through airports and point of entry...the problem is that they don't leave...we don't have a good system to check out expired visas nor a fast processing system to get people in legally...the system is flawed, not our Southern border...I agree that parts of the border needs to be secured but the proposal and cost of the entire wall the asshole wants is unnecessary and goes across places that humans can't cross or don't...and it is the attitude behind it that is causing the problem...Democrats want secure borders as well without the fear and hate...just the practical and fair application


Wall would prevent a very small percentage of people illegally entering the country and would spend MANY BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to do so

So how do you propose to stop illegal immigration?

@RobertMartin I don’t claim to have the solution. I just don’t want to spend billions of dollars on something that won’t work, at all.


No racist Assholes

bobwjr Level 10 May 29, 2019

Who and how is anyone being racist?


Cross that fence to his side and you will be just as ill-informed and brainwashed as he is...what a racist pig...he is a genius in his own mind...

We have no walls in our neighborhood...everyone respects each others' privacy and property...we don't have crime...because most people are not criminals...

Seriously, you think a guy who says to punch a kid in the throat makes sense? He is low life...

How is a border wall racist?

You're fortunate to live in such a good neighborhood. My neighborhood is a mixture of black white and a few Latinos or Hispanic. Here we have very little crime.

@RobertMartin mine is mixed as well...too many church people, but we also have Muslim and Hindu families living side by side...the wall is not racist...the people who spout off against people being criminals, drug users, etc. are...those have been proven not to be factual and are used to create fear


No. He actually sounds like a completely indoctrinated Trumper. He spews the rhetoric of fox news and Trump with no clue about his topic.

There are international laws, which we are signatories to, that insure the rights of refugees to seek asylum. I understand that human rights mean nothing to this administration and its base, but some people are still appalled by our nation's inhumanity.

I've never heard anyone who wasn't racist constantly repeat the phrase, "I'm not racist, but...." If there's a qualifier after that statement, you're a fucking racist.

JimG Level 8 May 28, 2019

And yet those opposed to the wall live in gated communities or have their yards fenced off.

@RobertMartin 🙄 I live in a cooperative community with Americans of all colors and immigrants of all types. I’m not afraid of immigrants. I’m afraid of so-called “patriots” who would ban people based on their origin and impose their religious beliefs on my body.

It's not about refugees , it's about illegal immigration, human trafficking and bringing illegal drugs across the border.

@A2Jennifer really shouldn't be afraid of anyone.


Nothing that a 30 ft. $5 latter couldn't fix. Plus total legalized marijuana in all states, soon to come, can solve.

Beside more Mexicans are leaving America more than before. Trump told them their out competiting and killing America economics, things are better in Mexico. There are 10 million Americans living in Mexico, is it fair to breakup their families?

@RobertMartin Is that supposed to make a difference? There's no correlation between those two scenarios.

If Trump is racist then so is Bill Clinton. He spoke out about illegal immigration some 20 years ago and got a thunderous applause from both parties. I suppose it's not what is said but who says it.

@RobertMartin no I really shouldn’t have to worry about being relegated to less-than-fully-human status but that’s the “great” country we live in


This young buck sounds like a grabby old man.
You can't stop violent with violent or killing with killing that is an insane concept. A dog is good and brushes are more beautiful than a wall or fence. I built 1000s sandsculpture around the world for 43 years for a living mainly used a rope and a few signs. Nobody or sand ever got raped at my sand or snow sculptures. I built 6 eco homes where nobody's got robbed because of neighboring watch. Big so called beautiful wall is a huge waste of time, energy, cost in exchange and friendlyness.


This ass does not know the difference between his country and his back yard, his dog and a board officer, due process and blowing someone the fuck away.
I wonder exactly what makes you think this is good sense?


This guy uses examples of countries we don't want anything to do with, you knowthe Muslim countires acting under Sharia law. he dooes not use the civilized countiores like Switzerland, England, Holland or Germany. No, he uses Irakm, Iran or Morroco as he examples. Bad choice, dude. Rethink this one.

Yes, white rightwing terrorist kill more than all the terrorist attracts combined in the US. He seem wrong on many levels.

What's wrong with using Arab or Muslim countries as an example? Germans, Swiss, Hollanders , British , Catholics , Protestants, Episcopalians are not terrorists or sponsor terrorists. 9-11 was strictly Muslim extremists. And in regards to Sharia law, if these people want it so bad then they need to return home.


Out of 136 terror attacks in the U.S. over a span of 10 years, authors have studied. Muslims committed on average 12.5 percent of the attacks, yet received more than half of the news coverage.Sounds like the base of racism to me.

Beside, many believe it was an inside job, even on YouTube WG Bush said it could have been an inside job. But God and his little dog told him to attack Iraq anyways. Why not the 15 Saudi Arabian out of the 19 Muslims on those plastic nose, aluminum frame planes, that pushed out a hole like a coyote road runners show.

Or course the US Government never lies.... When their whole plan was to invade 6 more Muslims countries

@Castlepaloma idk, maybe nuke the middle East like we did to Japan, that'll make the muzzies our new best friends.


What an attitude for Z friendlier world.

@Castlepaloma these muslims or whatever you want to call them aren't exactly friendly to the United States much less Christians, Jews, Agnostics/Atheists and women.


How can they be friendly, when US rapes and pillages 20 to 30 millions over 20 years. Mostly their innocent families and steals their oil, drugs, resources and forces their Centro banking on them.
The forces 10s millions of refugees each year towards cheap labor immigrated onto other countries, exspeically Canada.

Why not be decent and bring the US offensive war budget down to be normal with the rest of the countries of the world.

Then America can be honestly great again. Or build another wall on the Canadian side, because we are really getting tired of Trump.

@Castlepaloma if you folks in Canada are tired of Trump then build the the yourselves.
Canada doesn't have to accept refugees, especially if there is no room for them. Let the Syrian and others go to a Muslim country where they would feel more at home.


US will only destoy those other Muslim countries for no other reason
then for those greedy bastards and their power Watch out!!! the world is getting pretty sick and tire of it all. US can easily find themselves turning into a third world country, if they are not partly already there.

Maybe you should take alot more weed and slow down alot on the alcohol.

@Castlepaloma so now all of a sudden the United States is sending troops to the middle East to start a war? That's news to me


"22 Countries Invaded by the U.S. in 20 Years. Russia Does It and Everyone Loses Their Mind

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