I cannot believe how desensitized we become to tragedy on a screen. I just got back from distributing water to one of the areas that was hit the hardest by the tornadoes Monday. I am in shock and heartbroken. I broke down once I got home. I swear this is not about me, maybe other than needing to vent, but things are so surreal here...like a war zone, and if I hear thoughts and prayers one more time I may go postal.
Just checking to see if you are alright...hugs for you today and just you...
Sorry for your trauma; I hope you do not suffer PTSD.
Images, not even virtual reality images, can not evoke emotions like reality, which is may be why overlords, such as politicians, lobbyists, and billionaires, can not feel the pain of people in the US.
@BohoHeathen Politics is nearly all about money.
Are you in or near my hometown of Dayton, OH? My 89 year old father, oldest son, two nieces and a grand-nephew, as well as all my oldest friends, survived the TWELVE tornadoes that touched down in the area. My heart hurts for my city, but I see that they are strong and are working together to get through it. I wish I could get home to help.
Seeing any human tragedy, up close and personal, affects almost everyone ... sympathy for those directly damaged ... and somewhere behind it all your relief and thanks that it was not you
Dont get caught up in survivor guilt - just accept that shit happens and continue to help them deal with it
They mean well. They haven't the capacity to project it properly. Think of it as getting mad at a puppy for pooping on the floor. You know if you hurt it, you'll feel bad later.
We were warned stronger and more frequent severe weather with global warming yet government seems more determined than ever to deny this while others pay dearly for their pandering to big oil
It's all part of MAGA!
When I saw New Orleans after Katrina and then Puerto Rico...it was horrible...you overcame your own horrors by helping those in need...that is wonderful, but you need to vent and cry...it means you were affected...you empathized......it means you are a human being...and a decent one...vent...and hugs...