Does anyone have insight into this new religious way of being?
I'm suspecting it might have to do with the Military. Some of it is warrior angels. (Gabriel specifically).
I've even seen a few Odin and Thor worshipers that took me down a very weird wormhole of research.
Any information from those in the know would be appreciated.
Look into Asatru. I thought it was pretty cool from a social standpoint, but it's really popular with white supremacists.
Oh boy - they're referred to as Heathens but believe in gods - that seems troubling.
That and white supremacist leanings doesn't say anything good to me. So I'll keep that in mind.
Sometimes I think I don't know half of what goes on out there in the world and maybe that's not so terrible. (sigh)
Just trolls trying a different tack.....
It does seem like confused scammers but now and then? I think it's real belief.
I suppose I could ask the next one right?
@RavenCT ohferpetessake, "angels" of Any kind?......
I am reading the BEST book right now.
How America Went Haywire : A 500-year History
by Andersen, Kurt
In America you can believe anything you want to believe, and why. It is well written, and every time I read a few pages I just have epiphany after epiphany. I am aghast and amused at the same time. It is fabulous.
That sounds great! I'll have to see if I can get my handson it.
I prefer fiction but that sounds like a revealing read! It's good to think ow how we were brainwashed.
@RavenCT I used to read bodice rippers. OMG, the author of this book mentions "The Flame and The Flower", one of the first bodice rippers. I remember reading it in HS and my dad asking if I should be reading that!! My GRANDMOTHER told him it was OK! LOL! Its only been in the last 5 years or so that I got into less fiction and more substantial stuff. I now belong to a book club through my Humanist group. I will recommend this book the next time we have to make a new list of books to read. Everyone gets to add two books to the list, and generally we read non fiction. I still read erotica/romances/bodice rippers from time to time, and other fiction. I also started reading Terry Pratchett on the recommendation of some site members. I can't wait to really retire and have a chance to pare down my reading list. Yeah right, that sucker just keeps growing.
@HippieChick58 I read that bodice ripper too! I have it in my bookshelves somewhere - and I know I'd be appalled by it now.
Nothing wrong with those as long as you know they're fantasy.
Your Grandmother Rocked! lol (50 shades wasn't the first dirty book the ladies knew about I keep telling people that).
We're watching Terry Pratchett on Prime right now - Good Omens. It's excellent. Really funny. Eventually I'll get to the books.
I could have happily spent a lifetime in a library. (I spent two years working in one in HS).
To believe in archangels would mean you'd have to believe in God, would it not? Where did the archangels come from? Why are they angels? What kind of weird philosophy led people to conclusions such as this?
I can, to an extent, understand ancient Norse God worship, or believing in Angels and demons, but thats....still gods work? I don't understand
If you keep in mind that the Great Book of Myths also mentions the Archangel Lucifer, it could lead to some interesting "discussions", as the Spanish phrase it.
It fascinates me that it's battle related.
Me I'd choose Sam & Dean any day of the week.
@RavenCT cas is definitely okay in my book as far as angels go, but chuck sucks and gabriel/Loki was kinda a dick
@LadyAlyxandrea precisely!
Cass rocks a trench coat.
Those are likely trolls looking to spread their paranoid fears to us non believers.
Oh a lot of the time scammers - but now and then - I'm perplexed. I don't know if this is new new age or what it is. I remember an "Angel" revival in the 90's . Complete with "Angel stones".
But selecting one angel by name?? That's new to me.
Sort of like "Hey god - Gabriel should have your job - enough said.". I really don't know.
@RavenCT like you I remember the 90s fad for angels which cane right after the Sunflowers obsession. I don’t know about this new one though
@Geoffrey51 maybe someone in the know will come along? I used to learn as I went... Maybe I don't bump into religion the way I used to?