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@SiteSupport. I'm not getting the little flag with notification count anywhere other than on those who have visited my page. That works fine. But the bell icon doesn't give a number and neither does Messages. Thank you for your time.

vertrauen 7 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I have android and the bell just waits for me to click on it. I know it is soooooo difficult, and a real pain, but I do it anyway.,

Yeah, you're right ... First World problems and all that 😂 ... but back when this site was still small in late 2017, Admin appreciated when I flagged any such bugs. I've been gone for 16 months, and now the membership is so much larger that maybe a minor annoyance like this is more trouble than it is worth to fix, compared to other things that might be happening.


Yes, I'm on Android. Forgot to mention that.

While I'm on the subject, didn't it used to be possible to click on the number of likes on a post and see who left them? That's not working, either.


Zero notifications on phone app. Android. June 1st.


Has been like that for me for more than two months 😂



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