Back in "The Age of Aquarius" (OK--I'm old!) was trendy to hire a midwife, have a home birth and then...(hold on to your chair) EAT the placenta....sometimes raw....sometimes cooked.
Is there a vomiting emoji in the house?
Well don't All mammals eat their afterbirth?
@Donotbelieve. Lucy..please, it's summer.A light placenta salad with black grapes and toasted pine nuts, tossed in a balsamic vinegarette would be lovely.You can serve it with a chilled Spanish Rose'..mmm
@Charlene Not all--mostly land-dwelling ones. It's thought by some that it's about hiding proof of a newborn from predators. And there's a belief that hormones remaining in the placenta help calm mothers. Fine. I still can't imagine doing it.
@Donotbelieve German or California?
@LucyLoohoo don't be a baaby!
@Donotbelieve German Riesling only please, California Riesling are a bit too sweet for me..
@Charlene I don't eat red meat...especially ORGAN meats! Yuck! I don't object to other people doing it...I just don't, myself. And, since I'm not likely to be making a placenta in near's a moot point!
@LucyLoohoo's the other white meat!
@Charlene No---it looks more like raw liver! I made one...ONCE!
@LucyLoohoo Oookay,ooookaaay! geeeez