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We now have go fund me efforts for just about anything these days so why not abortions? Have the fund money of approved applicants go to the clinic of the proposed procedure? Taxpayers shouldn't HAVE to pay. []

IAJO163 8 June 6

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Not my problem - but I would sooner pay for an abortion than have some crackhead have a kid I will have to pay for till it is able to become a social services failure - and then pay for its jail time.

SCRUB THAT - just pay for all crack heads, junkies, alcoholics etc to be sterilised and cut out most of the future social care problems - and I await complaints about human rights being violated, but expect no-one to propose another solution to drug induced negligent parenting

No real solution beyond education but your method requires tax dollars in every aspect.

@IAJO163 Treat it like an investment - pay a little now to prevent problem children- that prevents having to pat out for future care costs

Both of my nieces are the children of crackhead mothers...they are not failures in society. But, they did not get much government was our family that made sure they were raised to be productive citizens.

@thinktwice and they were lucky to get familial support ... too many are left to grow in a dysfunctional environment

@ShadowAmicus too many...creating a never ending cycle of human suffering..we knew we could break it...the next group is already better off...


Fox lies

bobwjr Level 10 June 6, 2019

I'm going to ignore for a moment the lie that tax money is spent on abortion. Maybe we should use tax money to cover medical treatment, any medical treatment and make congress and our president set up a GoFundMe to pay for our obscene military budget.

JimG Level 8 June 6, 2019

Actually, taxpayers DO NOT PAY for abortions because of the Hyde Amendment.


Faux News continues to promote that tax dollars are used to fund abortions...they are not...besides, some of us would gladly have our money used for that instead of golfing or dining room tables...


I'll pay! Use my tax money. I'm happy to help.


NO tax money has Ever been used for abortions, none! Try some Facts!

You know I post these to get everyone all riled up. lol. They have no bearing on my opinion.

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