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Isn't it funny that religious fundamentalists and anti-religion activists have one trait in common:
the so-called Intolerance of ambiguity

Most things, if studied closely, turn out to be quite ambiguous: they have (so to speak) a black and white fringe as well as fifty shades of grey in between. Many people, some of them quite intelligent and educated, prefer it just black and white; it feels better that way...

Budner (1962) defines Intolerance of ambiguity as the following:
‘the tendency to perceive (i.e. interpret) ambiguous situations as sources of threat’;

The nine primary characteristics describe intolerance of ambiguity and are as follows:

-Need for categorization
-Need for certainty
-Inability to allow good and bad traits to exist in the same person
-Acceptance of attitude statements representing a white-black view of life
-A preference for familiar over unfamiliar
-Rejection of the unusual or different
-Resistance to reversal of fluctuating stimuli
-Early selection and maintenance of one solution in an ambiguous situation
-Premature closure

Source: []

Matias 8 June 7

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My feeling is that you can be a "fundamentalist anything" -- when there's no room for argument, discussion, understanding, difference, tolerance, or acceptance.


Well, listen to William Lane Craig as an example of the religious fundamentalist and listen to Sam Harris as the opposite and tell me who is the more ambigous.


These are small-group survival dynamics, and they work well as a default operating procedure if one wants to help ensure the safety of a group against uncertain or imminent external dangers. In that case, intolerance of ambiguity is utilitarian. We wouldn't have made it far as a species without the ability to quickly classify, judge, and reject what is unfamiliar as potentially unsafe. It's risk management. Organisms that can't practice sound risk management might walk right into the mouth of the predator.

Some people have a really rough time operate beyond these characteristics, preferring what has been proven to be familiar, comfortable, and reliable - avoiding and rejecting things they see as potentially risky. That's okay. We can cater to their needs just as readily. But if we want them to move beyond, the trick is to teach them how to safely step out of their comfort zones and embrace the unfamiliar. Not easy!


Still pushing that, "there is no actual truth" crapola drumpy wants us to buy, are ya?

@Mb_apples & oranges. In the Real world, despite Fox & drumpy's crowd, there is Plenty of actual TRUTH. Saying there is not is endorsing his crap!

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