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Demanding End to 'Rotten' Opposition to Medicare for All, Doctors and Nurses to March on American Medical Association's Annual Meeting

desertastronomer 7 June 7

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I am happy the AMA is finally recognizing the importance of progressive thinking in our health system. They have dragged their feet for a long time. Out health care system is broken. Everyone knows it. Let's do something together to fix it so EVERYONE can have access to good physical and mental health care.

RRRR Level 4 June 8, 2019

Having talked to some doctors, Iā€™m not sure that they are all that happy with Medicare. The reason: fees paid for certain procedures or specialties in one location are wildly divergent to those paid in another. That has resulted in an imbalance in services offered from location to location. (This was the answer I was given to why does it take 6 months to get an appointment to a particular specialty here (a large metro area) but not in certain other areas.)

It takes "forever" to get an appointment with a Good doctor for the same reason you need to wait for a Good roofer, or plumber, or any other specialist. The Good ones are in demand. Anybody that can "come right over" is not worth having!

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