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Why don't we murder?

HippieChick58 9 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I just can't get accustomed to prison food. And I'm too lazy,,all the running and the yelling. "DON'T MOO"!!,,,,,,,,I never understood that one............

Lol. Reminds me of the miniseries Good Omens which I just got done watching. As one of the characters, a demon, walks through the halls of hell, he passes a sign:



I tell people I've raped and murdered all the people I've ever wanted to in my life.


There have been a few that I have thought might have benefited from being murdered, but I had no desire to be the instrument, welllllllll not post divorce.


Everyone has their moments.

Penn Gillett uses that same response.


Soooooo true!


To paraphrase Einstein: if you cannot be a good person without threats of punishment and promises of rewards you aren't a good person.

JimG Level 8 June 9, 2019



I guess we need to be afraid of the holier than thous more than I thought...yikes!

well they don't have the best of morals even with the teachings of gentle jesus. You and I and most certainly HC woulda been burnt for being witches or heretics.

@MsDemeanour I am absolutely certain I'd have been called a witch and drowned or stoned.

@HippieChick58 Do you have a cat and a herb garden?

@MsDemeanour I have two cats and a herb garden. AND I talk to the cats.

@HippieChick58 mate, you have no chance! Even if there had been a court of law to decide your guilt. I'll leave my back door open for you in case you ever have to flee from the fundies

@MsDemeanour Yikes...I have black cats, a cape, and an herb garden...and I run out in the woods when it thunderstorms...oh dear...

@HippieChick58 don't visit Saudi Arabia- they still behead witches, using the same evidence found in 17th century Europe and America

@Beowulfsfriend Thankfully I have let my passport lapse and no funds to travel. So no chance of going to Saudi any time soon, or any place outside the US...

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