In a marriage/relationship, are traditional gender roles wrong, if you both are happy and prefer it that way? How would a feminist view that? Would they see it as not possible, or due to the patriarchy, or brainwashing? i haven't heard any good arguements against traditional gender roles, when both people consent.
I’m a feminist and I have a pretty “traditional” marriage. I’m a housewife and primary caregiver to our 3 boys. My husband is very involved with them when he’s around (3 months a year) though. I do all cooking and cleaning although when he’s home he will help out, I’m the quintessential “queen of her castle”. My husband is a humanist but not a feminist. He thinks gender roles are a good thing.
All relationships are different, whatever works for each individual couple is right. Nothing is wrong unless one half of the partnership is unhappy with it.
When you say 'traditional,' what do you mean? When most people think of traditional, they only go as far back as the 1950s, where women at least had some autonomy. But in the 1800s, women didn't even have the right to vote. For most of our history, women have been property, and marriage was about ownership.
I don't think most people who use the term "traditional gender roles" even know what that means.