Rick Wilson:
1/ You know, I try to keep my anger over this shitbird lowlife peckerwood cocknozzle currently soiling the Oval Office under control.
I really do.
I know what and who he is. I understand it more than most.
This is a whole new level of fuckery.
And no one will do shit.
2/ Wray won't quit. He should. Coats won't quit. He should. Haspel won't quit. She should.
They'll argue their replacement will be worse. This is a pleasant lie they tell themselves.
They are powerless and enabling the destruction of our nation at his hands.
3/ They have become honorless, fearful men defending an honorless man.
The "conservative" Trump commentariat will defend it with their usual pathetic moral and mental gymnastics, bleating about "but Obummer and Killary."
A hard editorial "no" is the only response.
None will.
4/ The "Justice" Department is utterly corrupted by Barr, and will do fuck-all nothing.
No one in the GOP Senate will say shit. They should.
In the House, the GOP Clown Caucus will run around with their dicks hard, roaring approval for pwning da libs with foreign intel.
5/ The President of the United States today invited an attack on this nation.
He welcomed it.
He begged for it, like a cur begging for treats.
If we survive this, he'll be remembered first with derision, then with disgust, then with horror.
6/ He's asking for our politics to be truly unbounded and for all sides to go weapons-free.
He's an agent of chaos and lawlessness.
This will not end well.
Sums up the situation. It is NOT just about getting trump and his supporters out of office in 2020 it is about getting ALL those who did NOTHING to stop this.
Corporate media does little to really inform the voting public and it is really frustrating that few take the time to get information when it literally is at their finger tips.
I just shake my head often, his supporters will continue to think highly of him no matter what.
"What fresh Hell today?" I think, wincing, as I begin reading the news.