When it comes to ethical consuming, how idealistic or picky are you? It seems a bit of a trend to discuss the last day or so.
If you were running low on fuel in an isolated area would you buy from a Christian or Sikh petrol station or run out of petrol and walk to the next, wherever that may be?
If you needed milk for your child late at night and the only shop open was a 24 hour Trump supporter’s franchised 7-11 or convenience store would you wait until morning?
Ideals are great, depending upon where you are at that moment in Maslow’s Hierarch Of Needs. Sometimes, I would suggest, they are a luxury which is impractical.
I'm the "My Pillow" poster. If I needed something and it was the only thing available I have no problem with that. I also don't have a problem if someone's beliefs are different (I did mention that in my post) -- my issue is when their beliefs spill over into the way they do business or how they treat their employees, I'm not going to contribute to their coffers and won't use their services if there are other choices out there. (BTW, I'm going to use that pillow because it was my mother's; would I buy a new one from them if I needed one? Probably not.)
I might add, if they were the last pillow manufacturer on earth I may consider that. But hey, "last chance gas" from "last chance pillow" -- that's quite a stretch to compare.
You might consider purchasing according to ethical ideals something like “self-actualization.” So, people can’t afford to worry about those higher needs until their more basic needs are met.
The reason I ask is because there was recently a post by someone who won’t use a pillow which was bought by there mother because of where it was bought.
Just wonder if it is a widespread idea.
@Geoffrey51 I'm that poster. The pillow isn't so much the issue as the bigger picture.
@Geoffrey51 I saw that too.
It varies. I actually sometimes choose the Sikh gas station because I am afraid he is a bit avoided in the rural area in which he is located. I use a lawn person who likely is pro-Trump, but I probably would not use her if she wore a MAGA hat. I don't eat at the Chik joint. I choose Michal's or Blick's over Hobby Lobby. I am certain I'd avoid any establishment displaying a confederate or Nazi flag.
I also would avoid shops that have "Christian" as part of their title or description, not because they are Christian, because it seems to me that the use of the word "Christian" is supposed to suggest that the store is somehow better because of it. I don't go to the Honesty Gift Shop either.
Religion is not a valid condition for selecting a gas station. Unless I knew that the owners were actively engaged in something that I consider bad then I would have no problem purchasing a good product at a good price.
Side note: In Columbia, SC I once saw an "Obama" gas station.
I am fortunate to have the luxury of choosing where to spend my money. I understand that it might not be practical or convenient for many people. I don't judge people for how they spend their money.
But, I do not go to certain places because I am the only one who counts when it comes to feeling right about doing something. For instance, I know the founder of Jimmy Johns is an unethical big game hunter and general jerk...but the local franchise is owned by a hard working decent guy and his family. I will go have a sandwich there.
I also do not invest in or with certain companies...I realize I might not be making a fortune, but I sleep better at night not supporting companies that are not in par with my own personal values.
I think there's a barrier between maslow's upper hierarchy and these ideals. Security and survival take precedence.
For me, moderation is the way! Sometimes ethical consuming isn't practical.
I would buy petrol from a Sikh, because I feel they're not as pushy about religion.
I'd probably go to the Trump franchise and get the milk for the child rather than make the child wait.
Buy gas from the nearest place, regardless of the owner's religion.
I never go to stores or restaurants decorated with Confederate flags.
good point. I was thinking that I don't have any scruples about my consumerism but I won't go somewhere with a rebel flag or nazis or all god'ed up. I am actually more inclined to visit a sikh or jewish or hindu establishment than one draped in christian covers.