The Science argues very strongly that extra-terrestrials are impossible. The nearest solar system is about 5 light years distant to earth. An Alien would have to travel 5 years at the speed of light to reach us. The logistics of such a trip seems impossible. Then they would have to return home for 5 years.
It's hard to say what they are capable of if they are hundreds of years ahead of us. There is a lot of classified info. that the government refuses to share with us.
So do you think that Aliens have visited earth? Do you believe in a virgin birth? Resurrection from the dead? Walking on water? I believe in Science. @gemini1947
@nicknotes I believe in science too but they are always making new discoveries. I think there is more chance of aliens visiting earth than there is of walking on water or returning from the dead. The skies are very dark where I live, I have seen some strange things that move in such a way that defies some of the laws of science,