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I felt Warren was short-changed on time, but she made the most sense to me.

jerry99 8 June 26

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Everyone was shortchanged on time. This was NOT a debate. A dog and pony show, maybe, but not a debate.

I don't think it's possible to have a debate with 10 people involved. Still it gave us a platform to see the candidates deal with serious questions even if they only had a few seconds to respond. It'll get better as the number of contenders narrows down.

@jerry99, that is precisely the point. It is not possible to have a debate between 10 people.


she had the third most time of anyone (npr came out with a chart).



Robert Reich just tweeted:

It's not a question of "left," "center," or "right." Pay attention to character, temperament, and thoughtfulness. Trump has the worst of these qualities of any president in modern history. America will vote for the opposite, the candidate who exhibits the best of these traits.

I'm biased but I think that means Warren.

my question about her has been that dreaded "electability" factor. I just get the feeling that she will wilt under the pressure of Trump's indifference to manners and logic and truth. I believe she's among the most intelligent and able of all the candidates and I bet she'd do an excellent job. All that said - IF she keeps rising in the polls and gets the nod I have no problems voting for her. At this point I still personally prefer Mayor Pete.

@JeffMesser I mostly agree with you about Warren, including her electability,, and for the same reasons as you on her electability, her irritating qualities with most people and her being too mannered to debate Trump well. But I also don't trust her with power, for reasons I have stated elsewhere on these boards.


I'm a Warren fan. I've got a thing for smart chicks.


Wash Post has a summary of winners and losers:


Elizabeth Warren: The Massachusetts senator went into the debate with the biggest target on her back as the highest-polling candidate onstage. But she largely skated. Other candidates didn’t seem to have the appetite to put her on the spot. After the first question, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) all got a chance to offer differences with Warren on her proposals — free college, a huge tax increase on the wealthy, and breaking up big companies, respectively. None of them took the bait, with only Klobuchar offering a quibble — the idea that taxpayers pay for rich kids’ tuition — and even she didn’t actually tie that to Warren’s proposal. From that point on, Warren got a pass. And she used her platform to do what she has done to great effect on the campaign trail: talk about her bold, liberal policy ideas. It’s about the best she could have hoped for after being slotted onto the Joe Biden- and Bernie Sanders-free debate stage

Julián Castro: For someone on the periphery of much of the 2020 debate, he made a splash. He made a strong statement about the father and daughter who drowned earlier this week in the Rio Grande, saying everyone should be “pissed off” about it. Later, after a joust with O’Rourke on immigration, other candidates emphasized their agreement with Castro. It’s a great sign when other candidates are straining to show they agree with you.

Bill de Blasio: Since making a late entry into the 2020 field, the New York mayor has been the butt of more than a few jokes in D.C. and New York media. He’s also by far the most unpopular candidate in the field. But he was on his game: He cut in to get more time. He talked about having hard conversations with his black son. He talked about his dad’s PTSD, which eventually led to suicide. And he made perhaps the most far-reaching case for government activism outside of Warren — exactly as he wanted.

Raise-your-hand questions: Candidates hate having to answer questions with yes-or-no answers, but sometimes moderators must make them. Good news: You can get all of them to do it at once! The NBC moderators asked the 10 candidates onstage whether their health care plans would get rid of private insurance in favor of single-payer health care. Only Warren and de Blasio raised their hand. Then they all discussed the details. It worked — and it can continue to for the right kind of question.

Klobuchar’s one-liners: The overall picture wasn’t a resounding success for her, but a couple of lines landed well: one well-improvised and one clearly planned. When Washington Gov. Jay Inslee talked about being the only candidate to sign into law a reproductive rights bill, Klobuchar shot back, “I just want to say that there are three women here who have fought pretty hard for a woman’s right to choose.” The audience erupted in applause. Then later, while talking about Iran, Klouchar had maybe the line of the night on Trump: “I don’t think we should conduct foreign policy in our bathrobe at 5 o’clock in the morning.”

Former vice president Joe Biden: Did you know he is the leading Democratic candidate? You wouldn’t from this debate. There was some worry that he might be attacked in absentia and not have a chance to respond immediately, but it didn’t really happen.

Spanish: It was probably inevitable that some candidates would speak it on the stage, and O’Rourke was quick to do so, followed by Booker. Even Castro, whose lack of fluency in Spanish as the only Latino candidate has been much-discussed, offered a brief bit of bilingualism. “I need to learn Spanish by tomorrow night at 9,” tweeted Marianne Williamson, who will debate Thursday night. “My Spanish is terrible,” her fellow Thursday-nighter Andrew Yang admitted in his own tweet.


O’Rourke: I wrote before the debate that O’Rourke was one of the candidates that needed the most out of it. He didn’t get it. Off the bat, he was asked a question about marginal tax rates and declined to offer a specific answer — instead offering a apparently pre-rehearsed Spanish monologue — and again didn’t really answer after being offered a narrower question about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) 70 percent rate. Later, he was asked why he wasn’t willing to get rid of private health insurance, and he was challenged on it by de Blasio. Rather than offer a forceful defense, he was rescued by former congressman John Delaney (D-Md.), who offered a much more studied answer. Later, when Castro hit him for not supporting a specific change to asylum rules, O’Rourke offered a broader rebuttal about his favored reforms. He righted the ship somewhat when talking about gun control later in the debate, but the whole thing reinforced the narrative that O’Rourke is somewhat out of his depth on policy.

Tulsi Gabbard: Gabbard was lost for much of the debate. That may not have been her fault — she wasn’t asked many questions — but fellow cellar-dwellers Delaney and de Blasio were able to work their way in by piggybacking on others’ answers. Toward the end, Gabbard was asked a question: About her past opposition to gay rights, which she has apologized for. Her answer about personal evolution and coming from a socially conservative family was perfectly fine. But then Booker swooped in and argued she should have also talked about transgender rights, making her answer suddenly seem insufficient.

Trump’s mission to “save the Free World”: Before the debate, Trump tweeted that he wouldn’t be watching. “Sorry, I’m on Air Force One, off to save the Free World!” But about 40 minutes in, he tweeted, “BORING!” One problem: It came right after a particularly heavy portion about that tragic image of the father and daughter.

A political plan of action: The liberal candidates, including Warren, were asked about the practicality of their proposals, and they said you need to fight for things. Candidates including Warren were asked how they would bend Mitch McConnell to their will, if he remains Senate majority leader, and they didn’t have much of a plan. Tim Ryan offered a compelling case for Democrats’ need to appeal to working-class voters, and it got some tepid applause and little buy-in from other candidates. It wasn’t exactly a lesson on how you enact actual policies.

Russia and impeachment: The first mention of either of these came more than 100 minutes into the debate. De Blasio said Russia was one of his top issues. Then Delaney was asked about whether a president should be immune from prosecution, and he said it wasn’t really what voters cared about. Then Klobuchar suggested the important issue was election security, not necessarily what to do with Trump. For all the talk about Robert S. Mueller III and impeachment in recent weeks and months, it would have been an easy applause line Wednesday night to bring this up early and often. Somehow, Democrats resisted the urge — in a way House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will surely appreciate.

Smooth production: Upon returning from the first hour and handing things off to moderators Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie, the NBC News proceedings were marred by a hot mic — somewhere? — and they had to cut to commercial to fix things.

I pretty much agree with their whole commentary.

@TomMcGiverin Not mine, Wash Post.

@jerry99 I corrected my comment. Thanks for sharing it.

Beto has just completely wilted. I hope this dismal showing will spur him to help someone else. Same for Gabbard.

@JeffMesser I hope this will encourage Beto and others to run for Senate.


Elizabeth Warren really shone in tonight's Democratic debate!

Warren is highly intelligent, warm, articulate and clear. She has deep understanding of America's problems and how to fix them.

Also was impressed with Cory Booker and Beto O'Rourke.


Oops, I was wrong:

CNN #DemDebate talk times:

Booker: 10 min, 55 sec
O'Rourke: 10 min, 39 sec
Warren: 9 min, 17 sec
Castro: 8 min, 52 sec
Klobuchar: 8 min, 25 sec
Gabbard: 7 min, 22 sec
Ryan: 7 min, 21 sec
Delaney: 6 min, 49 sec
de Blasio: 5 min, 40 sec
Inslee: 4 min, 52 sec


I disagree. The first half more questions were directed at her. The second half she had less time.

t1nick Level 8 June 26, 2019

Funny Twitter thread: []

Dem candidates as Airplane! cast members

So who is the Robert Stack character of Captain Kramer? That would be my most amusing character...An arrogant, pompous asshole, hmmmm.....

@TomMcGiverin Chuck Todd? What's up with his hair?

@jerry99 I agree with you that his hair is odd. What Airplane character would he be?


John Delaney gets my vote for biggest asshole.

I didn't like him or Blasio...Warren irritated me but she did make sense...I think she will make it through

@thinktwice Actually I thought deBlasio did a decent job. It seemed to me that some, like Castro and Booker, were pandering to the local audience which probably won't serve them well as they try to engage with the rest of the country.

@thinktwice Warren really doesn't irritate me the way I've heard that she does a lot of people and maybe that's why she isn't as popular as Biden or Bernie in most polls. But she is going to get a lot of votes from the Hillary supporters simply because she is a white woman and those folks seem to only care about electing a white woman over everything else. It was interesting to hear that she is now back to supporting Medicare For All after backing away from it earlier. Probably saying she supports it now because she realizes she has to if she has any chance of beating Bernie for the nomination, which is just one example of why I don't trust her. She is more of an opportunist who will say and do what she needs to for her political ambition rather than be a consistent progressive like Bernie has for decades.

I really see Warren as a tool, wittingly or unwittingly, of the Dem leaders and establishment to stop Bernie. The differences between her and Hillary is that Warren is less corrupt and far more convincing talking progressive than Hillary ever was trying to compete with Bernie last time. I believe Warren means most of what she says, but, like Hillary, I don't think for a minute that she would hold to much of it if she got elected prez.

@jerry99 It was in Miami and I watched it on Telemundo...the Hispanic audience liked it the bilingual ones...they seemed to like Beto, Castro, and Booker...but felt none of them addressed the issues head on about immigration and tRump...the wanted more on how to get rid of him...

@Veteran229 Actually, I think because of that name calling she gained have a nickname from tRump is considered a sign of courage...her little white lie is nothing in comparison to the myriad of attributes he gives himself...she at least has more experience and is nicer...

@Veteran229 Neither is using your parents influence to get into college when your grades were not up to par... 😉

I can't find anything that said her college was paid seems she had checked the box as native american when she applied for a job at Harvard and U of Penn, but that is was not even considered in her hiring.

"Harvard Law School professor Charles Fried, who served as U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan and was part of the committee that put Warren in a tenure position, said in a written statement that her ethnicity never came up during the process."

@Veteran229 Show me where she got government money for college...she got a scholarship for her debating abilities...the scholarship was not based on ethnicity...but ability...not earning the right to go to college is was involved as well...his father paid to get him in...

@Veteran229 did you answer my question on your statement that she got money for college or are you deflecting? I can't stand the woman...but I am not going to make any false statements about me the facts...she is not just talented but brilliant...went to college when she was 16, Harvard, and a law degree...I just don't like her and do not agree on her policy of medicare for all...

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