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Summer Hiking

Pennsylvania has some beautiful state parks that are reasonably close to my house.

Ricketts Glenn is one of them. The trail loop is about 9 miles and has 29 waterfalls along the trail.. but we got turned around at one of them and headed into the state game lands before FitBit said we walked for 26 miles...took us over 9 hours..not bad for two 65 year olds....glad we brought lots of water and had the stamina to go up and down the rocks...

First pic is hubby looking fit but ready to go home...second pic is my one of the waterfalls...I was too tired to take too many pictures...

Next time...Holiday Inn around the pool trail... 🙂

thinktwice 8 June 27

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26 miles ? >Quite a trek. well done.

That's a marathon, right? ha ha ha 9 hours, most of it hell...actually, I was surprised that it was fun except for the last few miles to the car...I was limping and exhausted...and we had a three hour drive home....

@thinktwice I'm very impressed. I think my last long trek was about 21 miles and that just about killed me. Take it easy for a bit and you will be raring to go again

@Moravian I hope swimming is involved in my next outdoor excursion...I can swim a long time and enjoy it more...beach time!! ha ha ha


Sounds like a WONDERFUL trail! Great way to say farewell to Pennsylvania! BTW
.. I'm baaaack, Wild Child! Clearly you recovered well from knee surgery... I am heading into chemo and radiation soon... O Joy! There goes my beeootiful hair!!!

Hope all goes well...exercise was recommended for full recovery but that walk was ridiculous...but, my knee held out! for the next medical thing...ugh...


Well this certainly gives me something to think about. Going to West Virginia for vacation. Hiking is part of it. Will have to be careful. I could not walk 9 hours!

West Virginia is beautiful as well....we really have some gorgeous forests on the east coast...

@thinktwice we do. Maryland and Pa and Delaware. All beautiful.


I have always loved the outdoors in PA. I'm actually considering returning to PA to live

Unity Level 8 June 27, 2019

You can take my place...I am leaving in a few months... 🙂

@thinktwice I'm sure you'll be missed


Looks like a nice skinny dippin' spot.

except that it is really a popular place and one never knows when a group of college kids or younger dash down the rocks! 🙂

@thinktwice If it was really hot I'd be tempted 🙂.

@silverotter11 I did go into one but with my shorts and tank top...refreshing but we had to get out of the woods before nightfall...


wow you two did excellent for your walk loys of stamina for that far,,bet you slept well that night


Kudos for that long walk. Ricketts Glenn is beautiful.


That sounds like a great park. I hope I can see it someday.


I love Ricketts Glen. I’ve walked it dozens of time, at least once barefoot and once when the upper half was snowed in. I walked the 5 mile round trip with two five year olds. It is a beautiful place to hike, but requires more stamina than I now have. The last time I was there, I couldn’t make it to the top! I was very disappointed with myself, but didn’t want to be carried out by my stepson.

Climbing the wet rocks was a bit treacherous...FITBIT told me that I did over 10,000 stairs! I was sore and tired for days...we just missed the "turn" and ended up walking along the ranger trail into the forest...I had a compass and we retraced our steps and made it back in time to get an ice cream cone at the little lake love it!

@thinktwice, we went up in April one year. Started from the bottom where it was fine. Half way up we started to run into ice and snow, but too stupid to stop. By the time we got to the top, there was a foot or so of snow on the ground, no tracks, and the trail signs were covered. No compass, un insulated shoes, my wife at the time said to just leave her there to die! We set out blindly to find the ranger station up top. Made it there, our feet were frostbite, the rangers couldn’t believe we made it up! I have pictures, the Falls were beautiful! One of the rangers drove us back down to our car after our feet thawed out! Wouldn’t want to do that again!

@Barnie2years I don't know how many times I told my husband that I wanted to stop and just lay down and die...he urged me feet were so blistered (even though the shoes were not new) and it was hot as hell...I think over 80 degrees? We carried water in our backpacks but I was on my last one when we finally got on the path to our car...

I am an experienced hiker but this was ridiculous...we did see a huge black snake on the trail...that was cool...I won't go in winter...I hate are lucky to be ok...the ranger told me lots of people get injured...


Years ago at Ricketts we had a bear and her cub come tbrough.

Camped up top a few times. Once we heard a bear growling but thankfully didn’t see it. We were in a tent!

@Barnie2years Pennsylvania bears are pretty docile, not that I would ever approach one too close. Especially Mothers.

I have them in my backyard... 🙂 They are pretty harmless and scare off easily...especially if the dog is around...


Wow that is a hike! Beautiful!
I am heading to the beach next week 😀😎🏖🏝❤


Nice pictures, walking Watkins Glen is cool also beauty is all over all you have to do is look.🌞

yes, I have pictures from Watkins Glenn as well...also, World's End and Little is beautiful in the mountains but I am ready for the beach and the ocean...and the mountains of North Carolina!


Cool 😎

bobwjr Level 10 June 27, 2019
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