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I went off to a 40's & 50's singles group yesterday afternoon. Just down the beach to watch the sun go down. It's the fourth time I've joined them but no more. I did the rounds chatting to men and women but you know what? They're so boring. I love people and I love talking but not small talk. Small talk is tedious and tiring. I just can't be arsed. So I've decided to just follow my own interests.

I'll join my local skeptics group or atheist, if they have one, and perhaps I'll find a group of Stoics or philosophers....even Politics in the Pub must be much more interesting than a singles group. And I am also going to join the local chapter of the Ulysses motorcycle group. Not sure if you have them in USA but they're for the over 40's and their slogan is "Growing old Disgracefully". I think it will be much healthier to just follow my passions.

MsDemeanour 8 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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I think you’ve come to the right’s too short to hang around with boring people whom you have nothing in common’s tiresome trying to think up inconsequential chitchat. I love the idea of the motorcycle group....great motto for life! Go girl!! 😁😂👍


Wise decision . On the other hand , if you find someone who belongs to two or three of your interest groups , it might help you to recognize that they're not only interested in motorcycles , but are single as well .


Hooe you find what you're looking for.


Beach is the usual hang out for boring people, to find interesting ones climb a mountain.

Clearly you've been hanging out with the wrong beach people 😉

@Remi Yes I am sure there are interesting people on the beach, but the beach certainly attracts the boring ones in droves, hardly ever met a dull one up a mountain.

@Fernapple I was up the mountains in the rain forest today in fact and I get what you mean. I love it there, but I am also drawn to the water. It's a bay where I live so little waves especially this time of year, Winter here. I find it meditative finding a place alone with the stillness of the water drawing me......calling me.


Life is what you make it. I have always followed my own interests and I still do. I have had exciting times but I'm really not exciting. I have no bucket list and I'm not going to bungie jump. I'm also not likely to be watching the sun go down unless I'm camping or something.


Yes, I think the problem with singles groups in particular is often that there isn’t a primary topic to discuss and everyone is watching their P’a and Q’s so they don’t misstep and end up without a romantic partner


I am a moralist more than a philosopher, and I actually believe I know a lot about relationships; but judging philosophers has led me to believe we are all lousy at relationships... My ex wife put a key word into my vocabulary when she said: Form of relationship.. Other than that, for a smart woman she mostly lived by the braille method, and felt her way through life.. I'm not dead.. I feel, and some times feel emotions exquisitely, and overwhelmingly; but what makes me feel makes me think.. Emotions are my door like they are a door to others, but I would much rather talk to others about their thoughts or about what they know.. I have no social outlet except online.. I go to the bar for a beer, but I don't know anyone, and with nothing to say, I say nothing.. I socialize at the Y; but the pool is deeper than most people... I had a girl friend for a short period.. She had a lot of issue... But I knew she wasn't right so I didn't get intimate with her.. It was self defense, because I bond, and the closer I get the more I bond and I don't want to bond.. I like women, and I like friends.. I think, deep down that I don't want to care for anyone.. I did 30 years with a woman I thought I loved.. It had a good start, but the end and middle were a struggle.. I had a reason to work for her.. She was the mother of our children which we lost one of.. While she was ten years younger my love kept her young.. My love could do that, but I can't make anyone young, and women of my age 65, unless they are extraordinary usually look rode hard and put away wet.. And I am not perfect, looking for perfection.. Really, that would be some one I enjoy seeing.. Thanks


I used to be a member of a "singles" club for people in their 40s and up. In fact, I was the Membership Chair for a few years. THEY WERE BORING. There were about 5 members out of about 40 who had some adventure left in them. Not a member any more, but I ran into them at a outdoor concert recently. All the ones who had life had also moved on.


I am with you, small talk is so...... small.


I absolutely adore your comment and attitude. I also love to talk but find it tiring when I have to carry the whole conversation. Which is why I don't go out much...... 🙂


My friend became a biker and I told her. "You will no longer lack a dinner partner". Basic maths will tell you that ladies are at a premium in the biking world.

I'd like to know where they are around here!


I agree.


True! It’s better to enjoy ur interests than going in grips that’s solely for singles who knows u might find single ppl u click with whilst doing something u like
All the best!

Gigi Level 3 July 1, 2019

What's a stoic?

Typically one that others find boring. That's the irony in this post. 🙂

I consider myself to be stoic (or at least a stoic in training), but I also consider myself to be boring — so @1of5 may be on to something there. However, I don't think stoicism itself is boring; there is a richness in the philosophy and an inner strength required to follow its principles. Here's a brief illustration describing stoicism and its history:

@resserts you do realize that philosophy is also quite boring, right? 🙂

@1of5 Ah, but philosophy is the underpinning of nearly every aspect of our lives. Understanding the basis of society, government, economics, religion, psychology, the arts and literature, ethics, and on and on is predicated on philosophical concepts. We can, of course, live without knowledge and understanding of those philosophical underpinnings, but we lack something of value that can be gained by reading the philosophies of those who shaped and influenced democracy, for instance. Philosophy gives greater depth to the world around us, adding a dimension that we otherwise would never see. It's what lets us see the figures that cast the shadows on the wall, when others see only the flat, dull shapes before them.

@resserts so says someone who thinks it interesting. 😉

While true that philosophy does shape most human interactions, it is far too easy to assign more importance to it than it deserves. Philosophy shapes aspects of life, but life also shapes aspects of philosophy. Philosophy in and of itself solves nothing and answeres nothing.

But anyways, glad you enjoy it and good luck in your pursuit of stoicism (theres something I never thought I'd wish anyone).

@1of5 “Philosophy shapes aspects of life, but life also shapes aspects of philosophy.” I hate to break it to you, but you just engaged in a bit of philosophy. 😉

@resserts I know, and it nearly put me to sleep.

@1of5 Go take a nap. You've tuckered yourself out. 😄

@resserts That perfectly decribes my Dad's apporoach to life. Thanks for posting and Stoicism should be taught in school!


Uninteresting people are uninterested

twill Level 7 July 1, 2019

That’s why I hang out with 20 and 30 year olds
I have 1 friend that’s 53
Other then that everyone is 19-37

that is a weird way to look at it. i don't think the people the poster found boring were boring because they were a particular age. maybe they were boring because they had nothing in common EXCEPT that particular age. if you hang out with a diverse group, and include age diversity, it is less boring. only hanging out with young people is bound to be just as boring as only hanging out with any other age group to the exclusion of others.


Possibly but I wouldn’t agree
I find most people over 40 to be really boring

@darthfaja that's pretty ageist. i find people boring (or not) based on their behavior rather than their age. people don't reach the age of 40 and then suddenly get boring, or start talking more or only small talk. i find that anyone who is bored by another based on age is easily bored, and i always say boring is as boring does. people who are easily bored are incurious in general. i don't generally generalize, but this is my observation over a long period of time (more than 40 years, in fact).


You’d be wrong in this case
Feel free to come and find out
I’m 47 I just don’t find people in my age group very exciting
I wouldn’t over think it

@darthfaja how many people in your age group do you know? small samples give inaccurate results. you haven't found exciting people in your age group. that is not the same as not finding people in your age group exciting. this has nothing to do with overthinking. underthinking maybe.


@genessa I'm with you Genessa. Age has nothing to do with it. I'm pretty convinced most of the population don't think past their immediate needs and wants. This is boring. I love passionate people and they can 18 or 80. I don't care WHAT they're passionate about but hopefully about social justice, world politics, the environment, science, psychology and philosophy. Usually one has to have a few years to gain an education (doesn't have to be formal) to be able to discuss these sorts of topics. And I also like people to open up about themselves and to do this they must have self-awareness. It's not about age, it is about having an enquiring mind. When one has that they never become dull.
What I like about is that there are so many interesting ppl here. Wish they all lived in my city.

@darthfaja Why? Seems ageist to me.

Just find people my age boring.
Lacking passion and spontaneous life styles

@MsDemeanour, @genessa
How many? A great deal actually
Ageist? Maybe, but I wouldn’t be if this age group I’m in wasn’t so lame.

@darthfaja perhaps you should get out more and join some club or something in line with your interests.

I have a ton of hobbies and friends.
I’m not bored
I need more time in the day

I simply said I find people in my age group boring
I’m not sure what all the hub bub is about

@darthfaja sorry I misunderstood.

@MsDemeanour I’m old and can be interesting if others are interested in what I’m interested in. Listen first . Most people people just want to talk, as mom used today, just to hear their head rattle.

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