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What about a man's right to choose?

women have the right to have an abortion terminate all responsibility for an unwanted child, what rights do men have?

it should be possible for a man to terminate parental rights prior to the birth of the child,

and have no responsibility for the support of the child.

clearly this problem should have been corrected prior to pregnancy.

why should women have all the choice in the matter?

m16566 7 July 1

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When you grow a uterus, then you can have a choice.


Men should have the ability to walk away from an unwanted pregnancy that a woman decides to continue. If she chooses to have a baby, raising the child is her responsibility.

I also want to put out there that parents of underage idiots who choose to have babies shouldn't be responsible for supporting their kids and their kid's kids.


In my opinion it is fair to have a legally binding contract. If the woman wants to terminate the pregnancy,of course she can do it and the parties share all the related expenses. If the man wants to terminate the pregnancy, she may do it and the parties share all the related expenses. Otherwise, if despite of the agreement she decides to have the baby, she automatically gives up her right for child support. I think that an attorney could make a fortune with this form contract.

zesty Level 7 July 1, 2019

This makes sense up to that mention of the roach. Roaches created nifty life for themselves. You cannot shit (built a shitter) without roach somewhere profiting somehow.

@arizonajerry69 What do you mean?


Who would want to propagate the trashy genetic structure of a man who doesn't want my child? I would have an abortion in a blink of an eye. If you don't by the religious BS regarding abortion, have one is just like popping a pimple.

zesty Level 7 July 1, 2019

What about a man's right to choose?

Life isn't fair - the man has no right to choose - so get used to it.

Or, figure out a way for a woman to impregnate a man, even when he doesn't want to get pregnant, and get back to us on this.

1of5 Level 8 July 1, 2019

I'm looking for the long list of ways that mens rights get trampled on by women, but all I can find is the long list of rights men do have. A few of them end when he ejaculates, though. So very sad.

@Burner well there's a man's right to have sex with any woman he wants. Women have trampled all over that right with thier "Well I don't want to fuck you so I wont" matriarchy bullshit.

@1of5 I do see the conundrum there. How can man maintain his right to be able to make a baby with anyone he wants, if the object of his "affections" can still exert her own free will. It's a fundamental degradation of his rights. The only solution is to force her to carry any and all pregnancies to term, so his rights will be intact. Then, he will have the duty to provide for the child, without question. It now makes sense, why restrictive anti abortion laws, are coupled with such intense legal regulation on men.

@Burner this "free will" concept for women has gone way to far, as you so eloquently point out. That's why I'm a rabid anti feminist - every right a woman has removes a right men have, and that's just wrong.

@1of5 no words. Except meme words.

@Burner That’s why the jails are making a killing on deadbeat dads. Rounding them up, making them pay.


Men can keep it in their pants. Wear a condom. Get a vasectomy. Masturbate instead. Control your sperm, there’s your choice.
Though from your comments, it sounds like you want to have your fun, and have women bear all the responsibility for it.

Don’t kill the fetus! Don’t make me pay 18 years of support, or at least give me a Real Man trophy! Sounds like you just want control, rather than this being any moral question.

You want to play buy not pay. Yet you’re pissed if a woman opts out. 🙄 Sheesh.

a woman can walk away from an abortion as if the pregnancy never happened. everybody says that's her choice. what's a man is that on the hook for child support. the left wing women on this side will never stop chanting my body my choice. in reality which pregnancy affects other people including the man who may be on the hook for a million dollars. he should be able to protect himself legally just like the woman can.

@m16566 You, sir, are thick. I’m done being nice and I’m full hostile. The only way any man might pay a million in child support, is he’s a man whore with scores of positive DNA matches, and the courts must force his sleazy deadbeat ass to pay, or he’s rich and that’s the percentage of income determined by the court.
Read this aloud as many times as it takes:

Ok, one more. If the woman aborts your kid:

No woman just ‘walks away from an abortion’ as if the pregnancy never happened. She might pretend that outwardly as a defense mechanism, but as a maternity RN who has worked with thousands of women, many who have had abortions at some point in life: it’s not like erasing a chalkboard, and boom, all gone. Staying pregnant is not just about money and ‘making men pay’ or whiny fucking men’s rights.
It’s about an impossible choice. Once pregnant, a woman’s life changes, no matter the outcome. Whether she aborts by choice, or miscarries, or the fetus dies/is stillborn; whether she has and raises a child, or puts the baby up for adoption, whether she gets a pregnancy complication that maims or even kills her and possibly the fetus(maybe leaving behind other children)...
No matter what, her life is NEVER the same. Her body, NEVER the same.
Now please, shut the fuck up. The meme is just for you.

A man earning $150,000 a year we usually play a million over a 20-year in child support.
regardless of the amount it is a significant civil liability, all I am suggesting is it prior to the birth the man should have the right to decline to be a parent just like the woman has the right to have an abortion. as far as calling me names you can do that, does that add to the academic discussion?
a man may desire to be a parent and a woman may still decide to abort and the man has no import into that decision.

I’m frustrated, because up to this very moment you kept repeating the same thing ad nauseum.

The answer to your question is: tough shit, it’s just how it is. You don’t have to agree or like it, but it’s not in your control. Unplanned pregnancy is a woman’s choice; it has been since the beginning of sex.
If you want to be a father, you probably ought to have an agreement with the potential mother BEFORE pregnancy happens. Then with both partners on the same page, your chances of the desired outcome are much higher.
If you don’t want to be even a biological, financially responsible father: get a vasectomy. Store sperm for the future; some men do that so they can not reproduce til they are ready, if they ever are.

AgIn, you don’t have to like it, but that’s how it is. Well, I guess you could flee the country. Come back in 18 years. 🙄

Clearly you have stated the way it is what I'm waiting for you is a compelling argument why is the case.
a man should be able to legally do the same thing that a abortion does.
that is relieved the mother of the responsibility to parent.

@m16566 What’s YOUR argument? See if I have it straight.

That you should be able to spread your sperm at will, impregnate as many women as you like, lifelong(men keep making sperm while women have a limited term of fertility, so you can potentially create quite a few over your lifetime)...
But, at will, you can tell any or all women who decide to give birth: ‘Sorry, I’m not gonna be your baby daddy, no money for this baby’, and you walk away to fuck others up the same way.
So she might as WELL abort, even if you don’t want her to. should maybe wear a warning sign that should she become pregnant by having sex with you, you deny any and all financial responsibility for products of conception. Then she could run away before getting in your bed at all.

Ok, here we go, my argument:
Men feel they are entitled to every goddam thing, but when it comes to being responsible for consequences of their getting a woman knocked up...some stand up and help out like men. Some kick, scream, and cry like little bitches. Women face the consequences, as I pointed out last post. It takes two.

You might not like what I said, but it’s true.

once again you have not made a compelling argument.
do you agree that a woman should have the right to terminate pregnancy at will?
if you do, then why is it such a strain to give the man the right to do the same thing prior to the birth of the child?
based on your logic women should not have the right to have an abortion they should suffer with the consequences of their actions with no opportunity to end the pregnancy legally.
this was very common throughout human history..
that is why an unwanted pregnancy was such a scandal in previous generations.
many believe that it was punishment for promiscuity.
in modern times the punishment for a man's promiscuity is child support.

Sealioning (also spelled sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment which consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility. It may take the form of "incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate".

Get a life, dude.

it's easier to call names then make a compelling argument

@m16566 I rest my fucking case. 🙄


A mans right to choose ends when he ejaculates - his choice is inside a vagina or outside - end of story - and at that time most men are not in any condition to make an informed logical choice.
Responsibility for child support - down to actions and consequences.


Women can terminate parental rights after the birth too. Putting a child up for adoption is legal in all states and where there are Safe Haven laws she can just drop the child off at certain public locations. Laws need to catch up to modern society.


Money?! That's why men wanna give up their parental rights!!! That's horrible... If you don't want to support your own child, then don't impregnate any one...
A woman has the right because it's her body being put through a lot of stress and changes... So it's her decision... Period... Sometimes a woman gets to do things a man can't .. live with it... How about equal pay for equal work?!

what's the difference between ending the life of the fetus and decided not to pay for the baby

@m16566 The difference is responsibility... Would you want your child to suffer? Why wouldn't you want to help your own child?

the mom in this scenario is within her rights to kill the baby.
which is worse?

@m16566 sometimes it's medically necessary to terminate a pregnancy... I wouldn't get an abortion myself... So I would certainly expect and demand the father to contribute... A father who doesn't want to help raise his own child is not a man...


Perhaps men should have a say, but the woman has the deciding vote as it affects her more. So what the man says ends up being moot anyway.


Do you really believe that a few minutes of your time doing what you enjoyed, in any way equates to nine months of being host to a growing being, looking like a basking whale, feeling nauseous and throwing up constantly, and having the prospect of years of being responsible for the welfare of another being? No you bloody well don’t have equal rights! If you feel so strongly make sure you don’t get anyone pregnant....!

You are so very correct.

Clearly 18 years of child support as effort as well.

@m16566 The father isn't the sole provider for the child... So that 18 years of child support statement doesn't mean anything...

@m16566 surely that is a joint responsibility is it not?

the original premise was that a woman has the right to absolve yourself of all parental responsibility prior to the birth of the child and the man does not.
if the woman chooses to go with a pregnancy why shouldn't she Bear all of the responsibilities of the pregnancy?

@m16566 Because she may have decided to continue with the pregnancy but she didn’t create the pregnancy on her own....therefore both are responsible for that child. It’s her body so she has the right to decide whether to terminate, but once the baby is born the responsibility is joint. You can’t have it any other way because a man can’t force a woman to abort against her will. As I already said...if a man doesn’t want the responsibility attached to raising a child, he should make certain he does not impregnate a woman in the first place.

@m16566 if the woman chooses to go along with the pregnancy, she gets to force the man to take responsibility for what he did with his sperm. Sometimes that's really unpleasant for both parties, but that's too bad.

@Veteran229 No...I didn’t say that they couldn’t or even shouldn’t have sex...what I did say was that HE should make sure that he didn’t get her pregnant if he didn’t want the responsibility of possible parenthood. That he should think that he could enjoy sex without responsibility is at the heart of this no he cannot expect that. Men who think they can have unprotected sex, taking the fun but not the consequences are all too common. There is no double standard in my mind, only fairness.

@Veteran229 Where exactly?

@Veteran229 A man needs to use a condom...if he doesn’t want the responsibility of becoming a father to a child...what do you not understand about that?

@Veteran229 Get a grip on reality...the woman ALWAYS becomes responsible for the pregnancy....whether she was irresponsible in having sex or not...that is the reality of being a woman. I agree that if she doesn’t want to become pregnant she has two sex or use contraception...probably the pill. However, the man cannot take for granted that she has taken the pill, so in order to make sure that he won’t get a woman pregnant (since he’s adamant about not wanting the responsibility of becoming a father) then he must use a condom...that is to prevent himself from impregnating the woman. What the hell is so difficult for you to grasp about this concept. There are also feckless and irresponsible women out there I do agree with that, but it needn’t be compounded by irresponsibility in the man too. It’s a common sense approach from a male point of view I would have thought.


because they have the uterus. we're merely along for the ride.

That could be taken in a literal sense 😉

@oldFloyd I was thinking that myself! 😂

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