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So my wife and I were discussing things in general, her drinking her coffee, me drinking my tea, watching the tide come in from the porch, and we wondered: since people use fake profile pics, do guys use porno actors dicks when they send unsolicited dick pics instead of their own?

I've never even considered sending one, and my wife obviously doesn’t have one to take a pic of, so we’re left pondering this great mystery. Since I see women complaining about getting them from members here I figured this would be a good place to ask those who do send them if they use theirs or a professionals.

Remember voting is anonymous.

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1of5 8 July 1

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I laughed at the Cheney option and shudder to think what the guy would be communicating with that pick. πŸ™‚

I've sent it twice, I think, to people complaining about getting dick pics.

We laughed, bonded briefly, then went about our little lives.

@1of5 lol! was it just a random photo or a meme you had found for that purpose?

@Donna_I just thought it'd be good for a laugh and pulled an image.


The idea of sending Dick Cheney's face is amusing πŸ™‚


I havent gotten a dick pic from anyone on this site. However, i have an acquaintance who got a number of pictures... When she finally got in his pants, i asked if the pictures matched up... She siad, i think the pictures were close-ups. Yeah girl.... REAL close-up. Hahahaha!!!

Wait, it worked?

I don't think she cared. But because she was showing people his picture, she wanted it to be real?? She did not date him very long.


The thing about fakes is that somewhere along the way, the truth comes out and then it becomes a lie and that would shut down any chance of a meaningful relationship...of course, unless you bring the dick double along on the date...πŸ™‚

Meaningful relationship from sending dick pics? Guys actually think that's gonna happen?

Just when I think I've got my head wrapped around how stupid we men can be someone shows me I don't.

Do you think a guy who wants a meaningful relationship would ever send a dick pick in the first place? This excludes people already in a relationship, sexting for fun. Might be a fun poll.

@1of5 oh c'mon...not unsolicited right off the bat...sexting and flirting along the way can include pics of body parts...from both men and is part of the fun and can lead to a longer and more meaningful relationship...besides, not every woman wants a meaningful relationship either...sometimes it is just fun to look...

@thinktwice I was talking unsolicited, though, and just edited the OP for clarity.

And yeah, I've done the solicited side of things and know that women like to have fun in different ways at different commitment levels, too. You guys are human, after all.

@1of5 yeah--I have had some pretty unrealistic unsolicited ones that appear to be...larger than life...ha ha ha ha

@thinktwice so we know how you voted πŸ™‚

@1of5 I abstained... πŸ™‚ all applied... lol


Some porn stars use stunt dicks for certain scenes.

So what you're saying is, "everybody does it"? Sorry, this came off all kinds of wrong, depending on the tone of voice I used when I read your comment. I got a good laugh tho. Carry on.

@Burner , If everyone did it, our profiles might look different.

I'm just gonna bow to your superior knowledge of porn on this one.

@1of5 I get that a lot.

@chucklesIII glad you get something a lot πŸ˜‰


I'm still trying to pick which one of these choices suits me best.

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