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I am a 100% skeptic about all things supernatural! Do any of you hold on to any supernatural beliefs after letting god go? Ghosts, astrology, magick?

Coffeeman 7 July 2

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Energy work. I've had too many crazy experiences to dismiss it out of hand.

What's "Energy work" ?

@Moravian Work is the product of force and distance, so there’s that.

@indirect76 Well, energy works, that's true.

@Allamanda Yeah, Reiki type stuff. I've had some pretty far out experiences. It doesn't seem to help too much over the long run, like they claim, so I don't believe you can just do energy work and be instantly healed of all your issues, but I've had enough strange experience to know there is something going on there. Just don't know what.

@Allamanda Nah, not things that can be explained by what we commonly accept as possible. Otherwise, I would believe in auto-suggestion and self-hypnosis, not energy work.

Ok, thank you!


Well I think all of that woo is a crock of garden variety crap. But to be fair, we Leo's are pretty skeptical. 😜

Water Leo or Fire Leo? (Water Leo I was told by my sister who had my chart done).

@RavenCT As I understand it, a fire Leo. But honestly, does that make a difference? 🤓

@zeuser big time! Hehehe!


no no I'm a total skeptic about the supernatural. However, I am a flat Earther. And I should know because I"m Australian. You can take it from me that we are really just american actors on a hollywood set. As for New Zealand......we don't even pretend that exists

😛 kiwis!

U funny!


Of course not. I don't believe anything supernatural -- knock on wood. 😎

Hehehe, good one!


When I was a student, I still used to think that there was something strange and unnatural living under my bed. Then we found out that it was a very old cheese sandwich.



I'm not skeptical, in convinced. There is no such thing as the supernatural. I do, however, still say things like oh my God, holy shit, Jesus fucking Christ, goddamnit, bless you, etc. It's just part of my vocabulary.

You have a great god dammed vocabulary! Lol

@Coffeeman thanks a fuckload! You too!

@Kafirah any fuckin time! Thanks an ass ton for your replies!

@Coffeeman It was a goddamn pleasure 😀

@Kafirah Fuck yeah! Ass fuck shit bitch,,,, tiiiitties!!!


I have no supernatural beliefs. Shit happens

Shit happens! Great answer!


Just that my life is jinxed

Can't be that bad right?


Still salute magpies, but only because I think that saluting magpies is fun, I'm certain it makes no difference. (must go now I just missed one, and I don't want to have a bad morning. )



I'd love for the supernatural to exist... especially psychic abilities, ghosts, magic, etc.... but I've never seen a speck of evidence or any reason to believe that such things exist. They are relegated to the realm of fantasy until proved otherwise.

True that!


I don't know if it's "supernatural" or not, but I still don't believe the Warren Report!

Please refresh my memory,, what's the warren report?

@CoffeemanThe Warren Commission was assembled by LBJ, to investigate the assassination of JFK. Their final report concluded that he was whacked by LHO, alone.

@davknight Thank you very much!


There are things yet to be understood and explained. Not magical or supernatural.

Great answer!

I agree


I had a set of weird experiences
That made me move out of a home abruptly

All I can say is something was not right and I don’t ever want to experience it again
Call what you want the closest thing I could relate it to was an electrical force
But it was unpleasant

When I moved out the land lord said he understood and I wasn’t the first

I’m making no claims of what it was/is

I have experienced similar


Some strange, weird things do happen, in fact our very existence seems strange and weird to me. Everything is part of nature, even things we can’t understand. To label a phenomenon as “supernatural” is an empty gesture and explains nothing. “Mysterious” would be better IMO.


I do but I am different than most as I see shadows of energy of people now gone.

Thank you!


Since I don't believe IN anything in the first place, no, but I have an open mind. Psychic ability isn't "supernatural," neither is reincarnation, potentially. It depends on the SOURCE of some of these things. Are radio or TV waves spernatural? No. Solar flares? Eclipses? Asteroids? Northern Lights? Crop Circles?
At one time sll these phenomena were considered of divine and/or demonic origin. Just about anything we don't understand we attribute to some extraordinary power. These "supernatural" events are prone to hucksterism, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Doesn't mean they DO, either.

Thank you!


Aliens freak me the hell out. I don’t believe in ghosts or anything supernatural....but the possibility of aliens? I love scary movies (not blood and gore) and the alien ones are the worst/best. Signs is one of my favorites

Whenever I get too many water glasses hanging around (more than one) that's the movie I go to! rofl I enjoyed it.

@RavenCT it’s contaminated

@Marcie1974 Where is that baseball bat?

@icolan you just say that because you haven’t been probed....yet 👉👽🌽

(Totally kidding)

Ok! Watch out for ufo's!


Nope. I go with science.

Me too!


I don't believe in the super natural. Although, there are presently unexplainable phenomenona. Unexplainable because we haven't yet figured out the science necessary to explain them.

But, I like to watch scary movies about ghosts and demons. Does that count?

Hehehe, sure, that counts!


I don’t believe in the examples you’ve given there per se no, and if I did see or experience a ghost, my position on it would be to first question my own senses, as hallucination is always possible. If that was reasonably ruled out somehow I’d probably lean towards an explanation that involved multiverse or string theory, or some sort of residual echo of energy. I would have to have a pretty lengthy conversation with a nearly omniscient ancestor before I changed my mind about an afterlife/immortal soul though.

Like Jen and several others said, the supernatural is just the term for things we can’t explain with our understanding of science (yet). It’s beyond our knowledge of the natural world, but that doesn’t mean it’s truly beyond nature. It’s supergnosis more so than supernatural.

The wooiest things I still believe in that some hardcore skeptics would shit on (but I feel I can make a decent case that they are naturally occurring):

karma (the cycle of cause and effect and interconnectedness of all nouns and verbs, not a supernatural scorecard that makes everything fair)

The law of attraction: you will generally find more of whatever it is you’re expecting/looking for than not. Not a magic wishing well that materializes thoughts like Oprah had everyone believe, but thoughts do profoundly affect ones reality.

The vibrational, healing power of music (through both emotional catharsis and psysiological effects. Learning and listening to music does change ones brain)

The doors of perception through psychedelics can allow multiple people to seemingly explore the same alternate dimensions, independently. Whether or not these dimensions physically exist is immaterial. Even if regarded as fictional arbitrary hallucinations, the similarities of experience seems to lead everyone to seeing more clearly that everything in life is part of the same happening. Very much related to the states one achieves through meditation and yoga, the feeling of no thingness.

The Buddhist and taoist concept of nothingness was misinterpreted: it’s not that life is nothingness. It’s no “thingness,” as in there are no isolated things, no separate nouns verbs or events can be distinguished and held apart from their precipitating factors or consequences. We are all part of the same universal happening.

Also crystals heal most anything. Jk, they’re just pretty rocks 😉

You got me with the crystals! Funny!


I can’t see the connection between God and the items you mention.

I’ve never had a god to let go of but I have had what would be called supernatural experiences and in case anyone asks I don’t want to go into that.

Ok, thank you!


It can take longer to throw the woo out. It can be more deeply ingrained by society than religion.

Ever throw salt over your shoulder after spilling it?
Do you say "God Bless you" after someone sneezes?


I think I'm pretty stuck with the God bless you - because I haven't found another - except for switching to German. lol

But those interesting bits of woo come from all kinds of cultures and religions and the people you were exposed to growing up.

As for actual supernatural events - I've seen no evidence. I've seen good fakes on video. And some wonderful debunking. I've experienced incredibly good intuition.

The brain loves to interpret what it sees or hears as meaningful. Sometimes you can't trust your senses.

And remember UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object - not Alien Aircraft. (And if you live within X number of miles of military bases remember how far those aircraft can range!).

It's all fun to consider - but so far the scientific method hasn't been saying "This exists".

Thank you! Great points!


My belief is world pantheist - [] We need to remember we're nothing but a bundle of energies. Some people are a lot more sensitive to energies than others. I've always been both logical and intuitive --- we cannot live without both. Had many paranormal experiences in my lifetime and discussed with many parapsychologists, authors, physics professors - etc. lots of proof out there but is not accepted in the politically controlled scientists or pseudo-scientists who market the corporation, religious, skeptics or whoever who tries to proves it does not exist. A lot of New Agers couldn't stand me because I would point out their flaws or oversight and demand more proof - egoistical people always try to deny or bait and switch and argue until blue in the face. I once had a skeptic friend who didn't believe me of insights I caught -- (I used to be able to see people's auras in my 20's and 30's) I saw his yellow aura suddenly tainted with brown spots --- using both logic and intuition I asked him if he was having problems with his girlfriend. He was shocked and demanded to know how I knew that. I explained to him what I saw and he screamed at me blubbering about how he was not responsible for the aura. I had no idea what the heck he was stating. But several times I was able to catch him and another friend lying due to their auras color changing. He began to fear me due to my ability to literally see right through him all due to his aura. With ghosts, I have felt the classic freezing temperature drop during a tour of a friend's boss' vintage victorian house. I sensed a female ghost in the "blue room" - sensed the ghost giggling as she knew I noticed her. I smiled back. Told my friend about this ghost - she scoffed at me. I told her to ask her boss if she has a ghost in her house, she refused. So I went up to her boss and asked and she confirmed, "Oh yeah, we have a friendly mischievous ghost in our house. We like her and she's part of the family." My friend was shocked. So it's up to you to open your intuition and trust what your body, mind's eye, emotional core picks up. We all must live with both logic and intuition simultaneously.

Ok, thank you! I've received lots of great feedback!


Things that are unexplained phenomena not associated with religion

bobwjr Level 10 July 3, 2019

I think we don't understand all the weird things that happen. Although im certain there is a scientific reason for all weirdness, i do have superstitions or more appropriately, listen to the stories behind the magic.


I strive to live an evidence based life.

That's the best kind of life!

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