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Whats your favorite conspiracy theory? Mine is that Finland doesn't exist. Flat earth, of course, is up there as well.


JustChris 6 July 4

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That the reptilian people are running the governments of the world. Thought that was fantastical bunkum & then the bloviating, addlepated orange menace. .....


Favorite in what way? The most lughable, or heh most likely to be real?

The way I'm seeing it is the most laughable/ridiculous/incredible conspiracy theories.

@JustChris How about a government cover up of Alien abductions? In order for the cover up to work, the aliens woudl have to cooperate. I find the idea pretty ludicrous.

Add in the one about aliens abducting people to have hybrid alien babies with humans.


What? What do you mean, Finland IS a place? Really?


I have a friend who regularly brings up the moon landing and the flat earth ones. I am never quite sure if he believes them or if he is just trying to wind me up. I try not to respond to him any more other than with a smile. I've not heard of the 'Finland doesn't exist' one.Perhaps I'll try that on him and see his reaction.

Finland doesn’t really exist. It was made up by Japan and the Soviet Union. Reason? They wanted a body of water to harvest fish without having to deal with international laws. Trans-Siberian railway was built to move the fish to Japan under the guise of company Nokia.

Note: It's called Finland. Fish have fins. Pretty clever.

I love crazy people.


The whole area 51 thing. If you want a laugh watch the film "Paul" starring Frost and Pegg and cute alien they picked up in Arizona.or is it Nevada ?

I've seen "Paul." Those guys are always funny. I also got a kick out of "The World's End" []


The whole "who killed Kennedy" conspiracy...

Mafia hit men killed JFK - hired by the US government

@gater right....

@thinktwice Its true

@gater All of them have bee debunked by independent scholars around the globe...they call it a conspiracy "theory" for a reason...there is no proof other than an individual, Lee Harvey Oswald, killing I get why you say the things you do sometimes...should have known...


That Reagan caused the Challenger disaster. NASA has all sorts of safety protocols in place and had delayed that launch several times before. Reagan had put out that he intended to speak with Sally Ride during his State of the Union Address. Thus, per Reagan's intent, the White House pressured Houston to override it's safety protocols and launch in spite of the cautions from Morton-Thiokol. All of that communication was erased and no mention of it made into the final accident report. The final report had zero mentions of communications with the White House, even though Reagan's intentions were publicly known.The only way Challenger could have launched was if the concerns about the O-rings were overruled for political purposes.


Area 51and alien bodies

bobwjr Level 10 July 4, 2019

That people can actually survive the apocalypse underground with canned goods and bottled water.


tree climbing giraffes has to be a favourite

@Allamanda You had christian parents didn't you? They probably told you all sorts of things 😉

@Allamanda You could get in on the ground floor and start that one.


moon landing

I'm gonna one-up you. The moon doesn't actually exist.: []

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