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If a woman is brave and smart enough not to belive in God, she should be intelligen​t enough to reject monogamy.

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zesty 7 July 8

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I could not be in a non-monogamous relationship. Kudos to those who can and explore it, but I just know it's not something I would be comfortable with.


Freedom of choice is paramount.
Are you happy to share your car with almost anyone? Some people are, some are not.
Marriage likewise. Some are happy to share, others are not. The problem comes when only one partner is willing to share.
Hence my reply to the poll question is 'maybe'
Perhaps we can discuss this matter further over a few drinks in your kitchen!! 🤣😂😛😛

Petter Level 9 July 10, 2019

Yes. The kitchen is nice!


Kudos for the outfit. You now have the most downloaded pic on this site I'll bet.



Monogamy is not a problem with the right partner

bobwjr Level 10 July 9, 2019


So true!


I am an intelligent woman who never believed in god at any time in my life....but was happily monogamous for 37 years....voluntarily! We cannot dictate to others whether to be monogamous or polyamorous, and it’s wrong to link intelligence to relationship preference.

Well said

Yes, completely agree!


Yes, why would sex have anything to do with intelligence? 🙄 Or for that matter, why would you waste your time learning about pleasure? I'm sorry, but this country is illiterate when it comes to sex. Fear, fear, fear.

Not really. There are subcultures highly educated in sex.

@zesty I was trying to be sarcastic.

@BadBoyMakesGood lol


Why should I reject monogamy?

Remi Level 7 July 8, 2019

Sounds like a stretch in an attempt to convert people to your point of view.. which is something the religious do. Monogamy and polygamy aren't objectively tied to religion, they're tied to human nature.. and human nature comes from nature and is just as varied. In nature, you have animals that mate for life. You have animals that find new mates each breeding season. You have animals that find several mates per season. You have animals that have sex for purpose, for pleasure. You have animals that perform raging orgies that last for days. It's the same with people. Intelligence has little to nothing to do with humanity's sexuality.

completely agree


If a woman is intelligent enough not to believe in god, she is smart enough to choose whatever relationship style works for her.

Yes, you turned my statement around very nicely. Sometimes the level of hate in me towards everything inhuman, controlling governments, churches, public opinion, wipes out my reasoning and intelligence.

yes, exactly! I know I couldn't be in a poly relationship but have absolutely no issue with those that make it work.


There are many serial monogamists, but few actual monogamists. However, being polyamorous or swinging takes more than intelligence; one must have the right perspective and a bit of courage. Otherwise, jealousy can rule.



In my opinion the whole society would be much happier if swinging was widely accepted as a decent behavior. Priests could have sex with women (or men) instead of children, just one of the benefits.

@zesty seems to me they thought a benefit of priesthood was sex with children, but then I harbor much disdain for the proffession in general.

@zesty I hope to experience some of that happiness, soon.

@1of5 Since the recent crackdown by the Catholic Church, do you think there will be fewer men entering the clergy?

@EdEarl fewer joining, but because of fewer believers. Unless the church allows them to marry, which it's most probably going to need to do. That, however, means they need to pay them enough to support large families so they might not be able to afford as many as they currently do. On the other hand, thinking long term the more kids born into Catholic families the more Catholics you have, even with a 50% attrition rate for nonbelief.

@zesty I didn't know it wasn't decent! Surely those that indulge don't think that? Or is that what makes them want to indulge?

@girlwithsmiles I expect those claiming indecency are on the outside hearing rumors.


Some people actually are monogamous, some aren't. An intellegent person figures out what they are and does that.

1of5 Level 8 July 8, 2019

Monogamy is a very complicated subject which very few people intimately understand. Certainly in America we suck at it if we admit to the statistics. But it could be a good discussion on this forum if there aren't too many trolls among the sapiosexuals 😁🤔😝 and I wonder, is this a good safe feminist type of place? I'm new here.


Monogamy has its pros and cons like everything else. I don't think intelligence has anything to do with it. Its hard enough just to find a girl who don't believe in God in the first place.

Plenty of us among swingers. Try!


Beautiful picture of you. Great chef’s outfit 🙂. What are we having for supper 🙂. I will do the dishes 🙂

Thank you!

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